Proof of a Higher Power

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Personally, I think its a problem with all mysticism in the Western religions. It is a two-fold problem, methinks:

1) Politically, its harmful to the authority figures to encourage the study of mysticism and esoterica --- after all, if the devotee goes around claiming "I am God" as many mystics have, were goes this leave the middle-man (i.e., the rabbi, priest, pastor, etc)?? And, more importantly, where does it leave his collection plate??

2) Pyschologically, it is dangerous to delve into the study of esoterica without a firm basis in exoterica. Even Buddhism has a bunch of exoteric rules and ethical guidelines before getting into wisdom study and meditation. From the mystical point-of-view, "I am God" is a very obvious statement of the Suchness of all things. From the egoist point-of-view, however, its an excuse for megalomania.

To a REAL higher power, all your posturing and arguments would mean nothing because they would have the same affection for all forms of life regardless of intelectual capacity. You can 'prove' God is dead all you like but it won't make any difference. I'm sure if you argued long enough you may even convince me that an apple tastes like an orange (either that or I'd die of boredom).

Let's agree that you are a better 'arguer' than me as long as you agree that a real higher power doesn't care if you believe in it or not. Okay?
J Jim said:
To a REAL higher power, all your posturing and arguments would mean nothing because they would have the same affection for all forms of life regardless of intelectual capacity. You can 'prove' God is dead all you like but it won't make any difference. I'm sure if you argued long enough you may even convince me that an apple tastes like an orange (either that or I'd die of boredom).

Let's agree that you are a better 'arguer' than me as long as you agree that a real higher power doesn't care if you believe in it or not. Okay?
Not to instigate or anything... but ... can you prove that?:)
Prove what? That they're a better arguer than me? Of course... here goes:

'I know you are, but what am I?'
'No you are!'
'Nah na ne nah na...'

And so on...
who said that the Revelation of "John" was twisted? Huh?!?!? Where'd you get that? The book of Revelation was WRITEEN BY JOHN and he testified to what he saw. He saw JESUS!! The book of Revelation can actually be called THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST!! It's not about the "end of the world". But the end of this present SINFUL WORLDLY AGE since Adam disobyed The Lord. The Revelation of Jesus Christ takes us through history. And yes, it's true certain things in there HAVE NOT HAPPENED yet. BUT WILL. Because Jesus says so. YESSS, they is going to be a time when Christians WILL NOT BE TOLERATED ANYMORE. Aren't you glad? Heh, i'm not, but even Jesus was persecuted and many didn't believe, and Jesus says no servant is greater than His master so if they persecute Me(Jesus) they will persecute you(the christian). With that said, Jesus WILL BE REVEALED. I know you don't believe it, you don't think He's gonna COME BACK like HE says He will. I wish you would believe, HE WANTS YOU TO BELIEVE. Even those that hated Jesus and didn't believe, He WANTED them to be saved. But WOULDN"T even TRY to believe. You believe George Washington was here and was our first president, SOOO, with that SAME SIMPLE FAITH, Believe Jesus IS WHO HE SAYS HE IS, ask HIM TO SAVE YOU AND MAKE YOU ONE OF HIS!!!! YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.
Congratulations, "Josh." Congratulations, "J Jim." I completely accept your explanation of all the hatred, all the misery, all the torture, all the mutilation & death, committed in the name of Christ.

Here's a little something from William Blake, "Songs of Innocence and Experience," goin' out to all you fellow strugglers.


Cruelty has a Human Heart
And Jealousy a Human Face
Terror the Human Form Divine
And Secrecy the Human Dress

The Human Dress is forged Iron
The Human Form a fiery Forge
The Human face a Furnace seal'd
The Human Heart its hungry Gorge.

Now everybody...
Errrr... Did I at any time mention Jesus? (Oh, okay.... I did just then yes, but before...? Oh just shut up!) :D
Fair enough, though I'm not even sure I understood what the hell you just wrote...
Ranting and raving in the name of any higher power is guaranteed to push away anyone who might be remotely interested in listening to your side.

It has me.

See ya.
Raving is quite effective amidst a bunch of uneducated and naive fools...there happen to be very few here. you are raving.

please USE ITALICS!!

Most don't even have read what you, josh, type, it's the same every time, and the replies are for the most part ignored by you.
"Each smallest act of kindness reverberates across great distances and spans of time, affecting lives unknown to the one whose generous spirit was the source of this good echo, because kindness is passed on and grows each time it's passed, until a simple courtesy becomes an act of selfless courage years later and far away. Likewise, each small meaness, each expression of hatred, each act of evil."

-This Momentous Day, H.R. White

-btw, its not that people hate Christians. That is so far from the truth that to even consider it is just silly. (Course, I don't speak for all.) What is annoying and dispised are those individuals and groups who are bent on convincing others of something, even when they're asked to stop. You said you had proof, but so far nothing has been presented which qualifies as such. One of my good friends is a Jehovah's Witness, and we have had many interesting discussions about faith and religion. But not once has he ever preached to me. Therefore, I can never judge any group as a whole; instead I will take issue with those who specifically deserve it.

-Share with us, don't preach at us. And accept us even if we don't agree or choose another path. I have accepted your belief in God and Jesus, and am happy it brings you fullfillment. Please let the rest of us do the same.

Let me state first off that I am not a proponant of any organised religion. I am also a bit of a cynic, however let me offer this as perhaps a simple indication of a higher force.............. 'Bananas an Rainbows'................ If these aren't gifts that make you wonder then no amount of "My God can beat up your God" will ever convince you! Just a thought.
doug russell smith said:
'Bananas an Rainbows'................ If these aren't gifts that make you wonder then no amount of "My God can beat up your God" will ever convince you!
They sure do make me wonder ... and let me take a shot a 'Rainbows' for a moment. I especially get curious when I see a 'double rainbow'. I wonder a great deal.

Then, I get to look at the way light reacts when it goes through a prism. It seems this pure white light gets split up into different colors as it leaves the glass triangle ...

So, does a rainbow make me ponder a higher power because raindrops act like prisms? Because white light is composed of many different colors of light? Because it would require a higher power to think up a triangle shaped piece of glass?

Or, do I just recall my 8th grade science class?


Yes, 8th grade science class. Quite an eye opener, I was raised Presbyterian.
This was in the 50's, time of the Bomb and shelters in America, and duck under the table...Sure!
I can still remember in the 6th grade, a young Jewish kid and myself got into a pretty good fight (by 6th grade standards) over the fact that I had been taught that it was the Jewish people who really had Christ crucified.

I pounded on him until the teacher pulled me off. I got several swats from the VP (I don't remember if he was Jewish or not) sent home with a note, my Mom and Dad, had to come to my school to talk to the VP, who did the spanking on my behind with a board. (all I did was use my empty hands and feet).

I was always getting into a squabble over religion one side or the other.

When I learned about Science and the Periodic table, and of course along with that came Biology, well the rest is History.

Unfortunatly, I was never able to apologize to my little Jewish school mate as an adult, but we did make up and got along just fine. I don't know if it was the swats or the fact that we were just kids and made up pretty fast.

I can tell you first hand about swats and fighting, I received them for many years at the hands of school VP's, but never by my parents.

Then I went into the Marine Corps, now that is another story of torture and punishment. By the way you were either Catholic, Jewish, or Protestent. (59)

To Protest, I guess that was the reason I was having so many problems I had been raised to Protest.
If it wasn't for Martin Luther or Martin Luther King, where would we be now?
I remember a Catholic kid telling me his name was Lucifer not Luther, That was another fight, but I won't bore you.

Regards, Gary
Hi 700,
I guess the first thing is the word Michael, the next would be Science, Biology and Periodic table, The other information, how I came about being an Agnostic.

To many religions, to many wars in its name, to much misinformation for me to believe in anything, but what is proven and reproven by science.

Regards, Gary
Science is a great tool. My dad is a chemist and it has payed for a fair amount of my life.
You also can use it to "prove" all sorts of great things.
It has been "Proven" that Irish are inferior to the rest of the imigrants in america(in the nintenth cetury mind you). There have been other graet things science has "proven" over the years.
someguy said:
It has been "Proven" that Irish are inferior to the rest of the imigrants in america(in the nintenth cetury mind you). There have been other graet things science has "proven" over the years.
How exactly was it that science proved the Irish to be inferior?

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