Proof of a Higher Power

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Can somebody prove reincarnation? I'd REALLY like to see that one too. Perhaps food for another thread, eh?

Or is it more fun to poke the Christians?
I've heard about some studies from a friend of mine that produced evidence for reincarnation. If you'd like, I can ask him what the references were, and a more detailed explanation of the study then my foggy memory could provide.
kenpo tiger said:
I hardly think that's the case. The CONCEPT of G-d is real to many. Whether there is a living, breathing entity is another thing entirely.

So, do you agree that the concept of a g-d is real? It does not imply your personal belief in the concept, just that it exists.
Sorry, just noticed this post. Yes, the concept of God exists, as much as the concept of the perfect circle, or any other concept. But last time I checked, the thread was about proving the existence of a God, not the concept of it.
i think it was said best earlier that the "proof" of God can only be accepted from within...there's no conclusive proof one way or the other...there are actually valid scientific arguments from both sides...only you can judge for yourself which way the evidence tips the scales..
Here is one prove to me I exist. Prove to me You exist. If you prove it I may prove God exists. OK I won't but still prove you exist.
this reminds me of a guy that lived on my floor last year...everyone just called him roommate...and he never left and did anything...a real contributor to society...and one day i was talking with some friends and realized there was no way we could prove to the outside world that roommate existed, the only people that knew about him were the people on the floor...and we could have been having a mass hallucination....

people like to use evolution as one of the weapons against of the few things i remember from high school biology is the law that states only life can create life...sure, chemical processes can creat the building blocks of life...but going from an inanimate object to a living creature is something that science has never been able to really explain...

also, all current theories on the creation of the universe, big bang, membrane theory, foam...what existed the instant before the universe was created...where did this matter come from...yes energy and matter can be transformed from one to the other, but then where did the energy come more mystery that science is likely never going to solve, since there is no sure way of knowing what was before...
Sorry be offline for a few days fighting a sinus cold and working 12 hour shifts.

In reference to HaShem's name (this is one way the Jewish People address the Creator of the Universe). It is forbidden to say his real name in any manner either in private of public places. The reason is the scared honor due to his position and charactertiscs. Another word to use in our english language would be awe or reverence. It is a Tradition that has been passed down for 1000's of years. So we keep that practice due to the honor that is due to our Creator.

Mark E. Weiser
Mark Weiser said:
Sorry be offline for a few days fighting a sinus cold and working 12 hour shifts.

In reference to HaShem's name (this is one way the Jewish People address the Creator of the Universe). It is forbidden to say his real name in any manner either in private of public places. The reason is the scared honor due to his position and charactertiscs. Another word to use in our english language would be awe or reverence. It is a Tradition that has been passed down for 1000's of years. So we keep that practice due to the honor that is due to our Creator.

Mark E. Weiser
Thanks for the backup. Feel better - and take a break!
Mark Weiser said:
In reference to HaShem's name (this is one way the Jewish People address the Creator of the Universe).
Mark E. Weiser
I read somewhere that the word "Adonai" was introduced after centuries of using the name "Yahweh" from the name "YHWH" inscribed in the Ten Commandments. In the 5th century the Masoretes inserted the vowel marks to make sure "Adonai" was used as all of a sudden the real name "Yahweh" was too holy to pronounce. Strange since according to Genesis 12:8 26:25 and 28:13 his name was known to at least Abraham, Isaac and Yaacob and later Mosheh and all the children of Israyl (Ex. 3:15, 34:4). They were instructed to use this name exclusively and freely. Then check out Psalms 83 (16-18).. Makes you wonder.
kenpo tiger said:
If it's G-d's prerogative to change his mind, maybe he's a she!

Prove it's not so.
Well the Creator would surely would not need to be male or female.. some would consider it blasphemy just to bring up the point. (not me)
nlmantis said:
Well the Creator would surely would not need to be male or female.. some would consider it blasphemy just to bring up the point. (not me)
To question the very existence of a deity isn't blasphemy but to question the gender is... hmmm. I'd think it'd be the other way around.
Actually that is a good debate point. There are Rabbis that say it is blasphemy to give G_d human traits or charactericstics. On the other hand we are encouraged to reason and debate what is the truth and to use the intellect that He or She has given us.
kenpo tiger said:
If it's G-d's prerogative to change his mind, maybe he's a she!

Prove it's not so.

The Holy Bible clearly declares that God does not change:Mal 3:6

He does not change his mind: Num 23:19 and 1 Sam 15:29

Jesus also doesn't change and is the same at all times: Heb 13:8

.... just a few for you...

Oh and by the way, God presented Himself throughout the Scriptures as a "male" figure, not a female, so that kinda proves He is not a she...but don't believe me, read the Bible.
parmandjack said:

The Holy Bible clearly declares that God does not change:Mal 3:6

He does not change his mind: Num 23:19 and 1 Sam 15:29

Jesus also doesn't change and is the same at all times: Heb 13:8

.... just a few for you...

Oh and by the way, God presented Himself throughout the Scriptures as a "male" figure, not a female, so that kinda proves He is not a she...but don't believe me, read the Bible.
Just for the sake of debate:

Who wrote the Bible(s) and their stories? Men, so of course it would be a masculine reference. Also, in the English language, the tense used to speak of a something without gender or an unknown individual is usually masculine, is it not?
Jack is back! :)
I have to say, i thought you were done!

The bible is an old book, gender equality is just a very recent development in human history. And I cannot believe anything to be totally static in nature.

God does not change

Jesus also doesn't change
change in what ways?

You said you were recently converted, what changed your mind from atheism? If you don't mind me asking.

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