Scout_379 said:
Jack is back!
I have to say, i thought you were done!

figured it was time I came back and had a look at what was going on
Scout_379 said:
God does not change
Jesus also doesn't change
change in what ways?
exactly... He doesn't
Scout_379 said:
You said you were recently converted, what changed your mind from atheism? If you don't mind me asking.
... I had a response already to go for you on this one.. then I had to go change a diaper and make some toast, and while doing that, my kid turned off my computer.. have to try to re-organize my thoughts now...
No I dont mind you asking this question at all Scout.
I used to be on your team... I used to debate those who professed christianity (or any god for that matter), and shoot down their proofs, and besides that, christians couldn't even agree within their own ranks as to what the bible said etc... I have always been technically minded, coming from a family of engineers and having a degree in computer science myself... and I had so many where did we come from, why are we here, where are we going... etc.. you know.. all the big ones that we all have... so naturally I turned to science for the answers... but what I found over the years was that science couldn't provide any answers.
I am in the computer industry, and have moved all over the continent... at one place i worked, i sat beside a born again christian. We had some terrific debates, which I always thought I had won (i thought)... over time, she got me thinking, and i finally accepted Jesus roughly 10 years ago (or so i thought). Over time though, i realized that after stating that I was "saved", nothign about me changed... my thoughts, my words, my actions, my preconceived notions.. nothing... nothing had changed... now at this same time I had moved to minneapolis, then to raleigh, then auburn alabama, then houston. During this time of reflection, I realized that I wasn't saved before as I thought, and that I had experienced a false conversion.
Gradually, during the moves, I felt this...hmm.. I can only describe it as a "tugging" at/in my chest/heart towards God, where I experienced a "need" to know Him... i fought this urge for a long time while questioning it, and eventually, in Houston, fell to my knees and accepted Jesus, this time for real...
But wait a minute... I considered myself a pretty smart guy... not the brightest bulb or sharpest tack in the box, but smart enough, and very logical, I have to be in the industry I am in, everything is black and white, one's and zero's, etc...... so how do I begin to explain to people my new found salvation, people who i knew would laugh and argue against it? well.. study... I delved into everything I could find, and still do to this day... as an atheist I debated against the bible, god, etc...but during that time of debating, I began studying religions, simply so I could argue against them. Now, 3+ years after my true acceptance of Jesus, I have done nothing accept study the bible.. and I mean really study... as well as all the evidences for it and in support of its claims, as well as other religions. In that time, I have become a bible scholar and a student of eschatology, and am working towards paper to validate such for the secular masses.
Anyway, I mention the above only to highlight a point, the point is that everything i have found and studied and researched, has only reinforced my belief in the accuracy and inerrancy of the bible. After 30+ years of disbelief, and 7 years of uninvolved false conversion, 3+ years later and I am truly convinced by both faith in Jesus, but also because of the solid proofs supporting the bibles accuracy, which in turn supports the claims that Jesus is the only way... but sadly, this is where christians start to argue. Many christians profess faith in Jesus, but argue against the bibles inerrancy etc... but that raises a valid argument for the skeptics and atheists.. and that is this... if a person claims to be a christian, but then argues against the documents that their faith is based on, doesnt that make them hypocrits? You can then ask what part of the bible they believe to be true, and base their faith on it... then you can ask, well what convinces them that that part is true while another part is false? taking it further, you can then state validly that if one part is false, then the whole christian faith crumbles because the very book that the faith is built on is not valid or true or reliable... and this is where being born again becomes important... if you are truly saved, not a false conversion, then you truly accept Jesus into your life.. once this is done, it is impossible to then, not be a christian anymore at some later date due to changed opinions or doubts etc... because once saved, you are His forever, given that you were truly saved in the first place (i hadnt been)... and this is called fundamentalism... being born again, you follow Jesus' teachings, and the fundamentals of the religion, as they are presented in the bible, and not some other source. This then produces changes in your life, which turn into good works, you are not saved by your deeds or works or actions etc...but only through Jesus, adn once that is accomplished, He then begins to make changes in your life which produces deeds that show Him.
It is true that the bible teaches that new christians are like babes, and are to be fed milk, and only given meat when they are mature enough to handle it... however, this scriptural teaching is not referring to how long you've claimed to be a christian, it is referring to spiritual maturity. It teaches that a mature christian can read and understand the scriptures, much more so than an immature christian... therefore, a person who has claimed christianity for 50 years, is not necessary more educated and/or spiritually more mature than someone with 3 years....
I'm sorry, I think I went on a tangent there, but I was attempting to explain the path that i went on since my true conversion from atheism, and why I belive completely, He becomes your life, and you(I) experince and feel the changes He makes in me, thereby further solidifying my belief ...
But listen...I have started another thread labelled 'fulfilled prophecies prove the bible', or something to that effect...i'm attempting to answer questions there...
I hope this wasn't too long winded an answer Scout, to your question of why I changed sides, and i hope I managed to express to you what I was actually thinking...