Palin's Motherhood in the media

Im amused at how this is turning into an experience issue between a presidential candidate and a VICE-presidential candidate.
Im amused at how this is turning into an experience issue between a presidential candidate and a VICE-presidential candidate.
Thanks so much for that, I had begun to think I was the only one who was thinking that. your icon "Frodo"?
And I think the tactic of the Dems attacking a pregnant 17 yo is going to backfire on them.
They don't consider it an attack. Using their "logic" mentioning Obama's ties to many bad, and some questionable people is an attack, mentioning he has basically no leadership experience is an attack, but, since only republicans campaign on values, when republicans, their families or friends fall short, they had it coming.
It is so much easier to attack morals when you have none and believe those who do are worthless.
DemocratUnderground, DailyKos, Huffingtonpost, Elisabeth Bumiller, etc, etc,et al.

So a bunch of bloggers? My, how impressive. As for Bumiller, I can find nothing attacking Bristol, only articles questioning what these revelations mean about the vetting process Palin went through.

Shall I now start posting Freeper threads to make the point that Republicans are evil? Jesus, what a hack.
Which Dems are attacking Bristol Palin?
The fact that Dems are even talking about Bristol Palin is the issue, she's a child and has nothing to do with her mothers' candidacy. Those that are making this an issue have a focus problem or they have nothing substantive to say, IMO.

As to the adequacy of the vetting process, who cares? McCain picked his running mate knowing what he knew. We can all speculate exactly what that is, but it's really just mental masturbation. Maybe he knew everything there is to know about Gov. Palin, maybe he just threw a dart at a map. The ticket is what it is, the voters will decide whether he made the right choice.

As to arguing that Gov. Palin would be closer to the oval office given McCains' age and medical history, bring it on. She has more executive experience than Obama/Biden combined, and her ability to make a decision vs. Obama's should be embarrassing to the Dems. Leaders aren't expected to always make the right decision, but they shouldn't be afraid to make one. Voting "Present" as much as he did should have resulted in a recall, he simply didn't do the job for which he was elected.

Maybe the Dems should focus on McCain (not Palin) vs. Obama, they're more likely to come out ahead with that approach.
So, all the attention is on Palin, even Obama's focusing more on her that McCain.
Nice strategy on the GOP side.
All the talk is about Palin, then McCain. Obama's a distant third, and Biden isn't even a blip on the radar. He's getting less press than Ron Paul.
All the talk is about Palin, then McCain. Obama's a distant third, and Biden isn't even a blip on the radar. He's getting less press than Ron Paul.

I think--I hope--that will change now that the conventions are over. I'm hoping that it becomes more about their vision for America than about their personal issues.

Of course, considering how the mainstream media works, I'm not optimistic.
I wonder if she realises she named her daughter after a port that became rich 'exporting' slaves to America and the West Indies?

What does that have to do with anything I wonder? Barak is named afer an Evil Villain from Space Ghost. OOOH what a bad man. John McCain is named after a Toilet. Yadda frickin Yadda.

Maybe she named her kid after her favorite toy blocks as a kid, or the town in Wisconson that hosts their Local Renfair.

[Trooper] Wooten received a five-day suspension for drinking beer in his patrol car, illegally shooting a moose under his wife's hunting permit and using a Taser on his 10-year-old stepson "in a training capacity."

WOW! I can see how an avid sportperson, NRA member and especially parent would have harsh feelings for Trooper Wooten and seriously question a department head that would keep such a character employed.

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