Barr: Barr visits Georgia Tech

Clark Kent

<B>News Bot</B>
10-23-2008 09:28 PM
As you know, Bob spoke at Georgia Tech this afternoon. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has the story:

The Libertarian presidential candidate made the comment just before taking the stage Thursday in a theater at the Georgia Tech student center. About 175 students and teachers listened intently to his 40-minute speech, which touched on themes common on the Republican and Democrat campaign trails — the Wall Street meltdown and Washington’s bailout, the real estate crisis, Social Security, gun control.

“The one responsibility that resides in the office of the presidency is to pursue, protect and expand our liberty … not expand government power,” Barr said. “It is that lack of understanding … that is a great danger to liberty in our country.”

Barr hopes to break a Libertarian Party record by getting “more than just 1 percent” in the Nov. 4 presidential election. And while some political experts say he could shake things up in battleground states like Michigan and Ohio, where he campaigned Wednesday, his event Thursday was in stark contrast to the huge rallies thrown by his more mainstream competitors, Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain.
In an interview before the speech, Barr said he was running to “raise the level of interest [in the Libertarian Party] and illustrate to Americans that there is a better way.”

In his speech, which drew wide applause, he addressed a variety of issues.

On McCain’s running mate, Alaska Gov. Sara Palin, calling herself a soccer mom: “I’m a soccer dad. That doesn’t make me any more qualified to be president than it does her.”

On mainstream media: “They don’t ask the right questions. And they’re not demanding answers. They don’t hold anyone accountable.”

On Wall Street: “We have a group of people who’d like us to forget that they are responsible for this mess by poor public policy. Where’s the leadership there? It’s AWOL.”

On the growing federal deficit: “You are the ones who are going to be absolutely shafted.”

Students seemed to like what they heard.

“He brought up some good points,” said Sam West, 20, a Tech junior. “He didn’t skirt around the issues.”

Said Faraz Kamili, a 19-year-old sophomore: “He’s not like other politicians who give answers that just try to make them look good. He’s a straight talker.”

The Associated Press reports:

Speaking to about 200 students and faculty Thursday on the campus of Georgia Tech, he labeled the debates &#8220;stale.&#8221;

He complained that the final debate contained multiple references to &#8220;Joe the plumber&#8221; and none to the Constitution.

&#8220;America&#8217;s being shortchanged,&#8221; he said.

Barr also faulted the debate moderators for &#8220;sitting there like a bump on a log&#8221; while the candidates - Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain - were allowed &#8220;to bloviate about whatever they want.&#8221;

&#8220;By and large they are found wanting. They don&#8217;t ask the right questions,&#8221; Barr said of the media.

Yellow Jackets don&#8217;t get all the fun. Bob will be speaking at the University of Georgia on Tuesday, October 27th, at 2pm in Mahler Auditorium.



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