Palin's Motherhood in the media

My reaction is,

"Is that ALL you've got?"

Makes me think Palin might be a great candidate if the liberal national media are reduced to pointing their fingers at her daughter.

After all, every parent knows that no matter how hard you try, kids make their own choices.
It's a sad commentary on the media that Palin's family is a bigger story than say, the aftermath of Gustav. :idunno:
I do find it odd that a pro-life, pro-family mom with 5 kids (one a 5 month old with Down's Syndrome & a 17 year old that's pregnant) would choose (&/or be chosen) to run as VP. While I'm not solely in her camp, I know very well how these issues go over in that crowd.

Chelsea was 14 when Bill ran for president & grown when Hillary ran for senate.

I think it's a small issue in Palin's overall picture; but a 5 month old with or without Down's is a handful. The added issues of Down's make it harder to be sure.
No surprise then that when something comes to light that makes a mockery of that, it is covered.
It is not surprising that children reach an age where they will make decisions that are not the decisions that their parents would make.

It is no mockery that one of my sons had a child out of wedlock in variance to the teaching he received. He now is a single parent who does his best to provide for my grandson. (My son is in his 30's). He's also a democrat.

It is absolute ignorance for anyone to believe that children (after a certain age) are automatons that do as they have been programmed by their parents.
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My reaction is,

"Is that ALL you've got?"

Well... no...

Since the announcement I've seen more dirt on her then either Obama or McCain.

She has less then 2-years as Governor of Alaska as her experience, enough to make Obama look like one of the old-boys club. Is she really the most qualified candidate based on that? Especially when McCain's camp has been using lack of experience as the main attack on Obama?

She is under investigation for abuse of power for getting her sisters ex-husband fired and replacing a senior official that refused to fire him

She rides family values and abstinence only education as a part of her platform, but abstinence only education didn't even work in her only family, she is also running for a very time intensive job that means little family time with a special needs infant of her own and a pregnant teenage daughter. She boarded a 8-hour flight while in labour, airlines generally don't let anyone fly who is into their 3rd trimester as it is dangerous and could require an emergency landing. "Family Values?" seems more like her career is the most important thing.

There have been some questionable things said by her preacher, another attack that had been used on Obama.

She worked as a director for Ted Stevens 527 group, who has been indicted on 7 counts of corruption.

And today there is evidence she twists the words of the Founding Fathers to support her own views when they clearly did not:

Keep in mind this is only a few days after the announcement.

After all, every parent knows that no matter how hard you try, kids make their own choices.

Which is why abstinence only education will never work, even if it was "the right thing"

Now I fully agree, her family should be as private as possible and a non-issue. But, in reality, things aren't going to work out that way, and she knew they wouldn't. Why a person would put that kind of pressure on their daughter is beyond me. Yes, her daughter is the one that got pregnant, probably before she wanted to, but it was her mom that put her into the public spotlight. And did so while riding the "Family values" train and pushing abstinence only as a way to deal with teen pregnancy.

Now, remember Britney's sister? Same age, got pregnant. The conservative media was all over it. Same thing seems to have happened, except now the sides of who is saying its relevant and who is saying its private have switched a little. But I think that is mostly due to the political positions of Gov. Palin.
I'm not surprised that proponents of this platform want touchy topics off-limits. After all, it's the same party that insists we need censorship.

Personally, I'm fond of librarians. Target a librarian, and you're dirt in my book. ;)

"Shortly after becoming mayor, former city officials and Wasilla residents said, Ms. Palin approached the town librarian about the possibility of banning some books, though she never followed through and it was unclear which books or passages were in question.

Ann Kilkenny, a Democrat who said she attended every City Council meeting in Ms. Palin’s first year in office, said Ms. Palin brought up the idea of banning some books at one meeting. “They were somehow morally or socially objectionable to her,” Ms. Kilkenny said.

The librarian, Mary Ellen Emmons, pledged to “resist all efforts at censorship,” Ms. Kilkenny recalled. Ms. Palin fired Ms. Emmons shortly after taking office but changed course after residents made a strong show of support. Ms. Emmons, who left her job and Wasilla a couple of years later, declined to comment for this article."
It is pretty clear to me that the GOP just plan didn't vett Palin well. Every day things come out about what she either has or hasn't done in her political careeer.

But also really simple things like her daughter's boyfriend's Myspace page still being up for a few days after the announcement. "I'm an F 'in' Redneck" & under children "I don't want any". If properly vetted, that would have been taken down a month ago. Palin is certainly not McCain's choice. He's stuck with this gal he knows little about & can't voucher for well. It makes him look bad. He's doing damage control with his choice for VP instead of being on point with his message. That's a terrible place to be when it's your time to be on stage.
Hey, she's on the VP position NOT the presidential position so why is Hussein,, attacking her, why are there rock throwing demonstrations at the RNC when no such thing happened at the DNC, why do they care about her husbands 22 yr old conviction for DUI (back then there was a difference between drunk and intoxicated and this incident meant he was not drunk) and why oh why are they concerned about the *daughter* having a baby; is she running for anything??????:soapbox:
... why are there rock throwing demonstrations at the RNC when no such thing happened at the DNC ...

I consider myself an Independent (I think BOTH parties are comprised of the Rich Overclass that is completely out of touch with what it is like to live as most Americans live)

but really, the lack of sportsmanship (not sure if that is the right word or not) and over-the-top partisan sniping by the Democrats (especially the national media & entertainment industry — really, Madonna? McCain — a Vietnam war hero and POW-by-choice is like HITLER?) have virtually ensured that I will vote Republican this time around.
Ok, then this is fair game too.
Hey, she's on the VP position NOT the presidential position so why is Hussein,, attacking her,

Hussein... nice...

But to answer your question, Obama has publicly stated that this should be off limits and that no one in his campaign will touch it and keep their job. He's also stated that his mother was 18 and unmarried when he was born.

VP is important, if something happens to the President they get the job. THey also have a lot of influence (See Cheney)
But to answer your question, Obama has publicly stated that this should be off limits and that no one in his campaign will touch it and keep their job. He's also stated that his mother was 18 and unmarried when he was born.
Props to Obama for the position he's taken.
Is this opinion or fact? I suspect the nominee gets lots of help and input in his VP selection, but I also supsect McCain made the final decision. But I could be wrong ...

I'll cop to it being opinion, but clearly he doesn't know her well & has been blindsided by all of this stuff about her.

Tom Ridge would have been a better running mate & match for Biden in a debate. Palin doesn't didn't know a month ago "what the VP does all day." I'm sure Tom Ridge or darn near any other potential VP wouldn't be so naive as to say that on tv if they didn't know. Makes her sound not so ready for the gig.
I'll cop to it being opinion, but clearly he doesn't know her well & has been blindsided by all of this stuff about her.
There really hasn't been very much "all this stuff about her" except maybe the liberals believe that a woman who doesn't believe in abortion should stay home.

And the books she tried to ban? Since the titles weren't given, we can only assume it wasn't the Mark Twain books that are so fashionably banned these days.
There really hasn't been very much "all this stuff about her"

No, just a 4-5 minor little scandals, and it's been a whole 4-5 days since she got the job.

ThinkProgress is definitely a little biased, but here is the criticism so far:

With quotes and references to other (less biased) sources.

except maybe the liberals believe that a woman who doesn't believe in abortion should stay home.

umm... what?

How did you arrive at that conclusion?
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No, just a 4-5 minor little scandals, and it's been a whole 4-5 days since she got the job.

ThinkProgress is definitely a little biased, but here is the criticism so far:

With quotes and references to other (less biased) sources.
It is easy to find little snippets (on anybody) to frame any kind of picture we wish to.

If, for example, I take a couple of snippets from jesse jackson (he just comes to mind) without looking at the whole, then I can frame a man who is vehmently anti-jewish; looking at the bigger picture, then he probably isn't.

With a little looking, we can easily find counter claims with as much supporting evidence.
As far as Palin's daughter being pregnant, she'll be just fine. She is, at the least, a governor's child. There's enough money & support (with or without the father) to take care of her & the child. The fact that the boy wants to stay with her & marry her is great. But an 18 year old has very little to offer an employer sufficient to take care of a new wife & child. Thank goodness for nepotism & wealthy &/or high profile in-laws. To care of him.

As far as Sarah Palin's ability to job she wants....As soon as 6 weeks ago, she "had no idea" what the daily duties are. If there is a potential vice president for any company in the US who would admit to that while being considered for the gig, would anyone point to them as their 1st choice?
As far as Palin's daughter being pregnant, she'll be just fine. She is, at the least, a governor's child. There's enough money & support (with or without the father) to take care of her & the child. The fact that the boy wants to stay with her & marry her is great. But an 18 year old has very little to offer an employer sufficient to take care of a new wife & child.
Yah, I know what you mean; some of us had to take second jobs.