Barr: Barr at Dartmouth

Clark Kent

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Bob was in New Hampshire yesterday to speak at Dartmouth College where he addressed the hurdles put in front of third party candidates and criticized the lack of substance in the campaigns of Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain:

Barr stated that he does not share similar views to the two major=party presidential candidates, and hopes to appeal to supporters of Republican nominee Senator McCain and Democratic nominee Senator Barack Obama.

“There are a lot of votes up for grabs among the young people who are not wedded to the two-party system the way their parents and grandparents are,” Barr said.

Barr emphasized the importance of opening the current two-party political system to a wider variety of candidates. While he acknowledged that not every single person who declares candidacy deserves national attention, Barr described the current system as “constraining,” and suggested opening the system to political parties that have a “mathematical possibility of winning the majority.”

Barr is on the ballot in most states, he said, which would make him eligible for candidacy in his ideal plans for a more open electoral system. Getting his name on the ballots, he said, has been a “hurdle.”

“For a third-party candidate to get on a ballot, it’s a lot of work,” Barr said.
Barr criticized Obama and McCain’s reliance on “soundbytes” and “talking points” in the debates, and wished to question the candidates further. Barr referred specifically to Obama’s claim that Americans have a “right to health care.”

“Sooner or later, if something is a right, we are going to pay for it,” Barr said. Though people may believe that health care is a right, “it would be interesting to probe a little bit,” he added.

Barr also criticized McCainÂ’s discussion of childhood obesity during the debates.

“Is it the responsibility of the national government to worry about that?” Barr asked.

Barr was also critical of the $700 billion economic bailout package recently approved by Congress.

Feeding the government more money in the face of its significant debt is illogical, Barr said.

“We should not put the fox back in charge of the hen house,” he said.

The economy had already begun to bounce back on its own accord, Barr said. Several weeks ago, Wells Fargo offered to purchase Wachovia Bank and Warren Buffet invested a large amount of money in Goldman Sachs. Both offers were made without government intervention, Barr said. Barr also criticized the lack of checks on the economic stimulus package.

In responses to audience questions, Barr emphasized the libertarian platform of limiting government while maximizing individual liberties.
Students in the audience interviewed by The Dartmouth responded positively to BarrÂ’s speech.

“He explained things in a way the average voter could understand,” David Kopec ‘09 said.



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