over 90 threads are not the study, why complain

I added a new menu option to focus on the martial arts sections. I'm exploring options for refocusing on the art areas more, but am hesitant to do any 'make x posts first' type moves as all I see that doing is generating hundreds of "mee tooo" posts just to build post count.

Couldn't you make the Study invisible to anyone who hasn't reached a minimum post count?
Couldn't you make the Study invisible to anyone who hasn't reached a minimum post count?
I could, but given the activity level we'd most likely see a hit in Google rankings as it's visible to guests too. Seeing it when not logged in, but not when you are would also generate a lot of 'why can't I see it' emails. A FAQ listing would explain it, but who reads those? Hell, I get at least 1 "How do I make a post" emails a month.
I still have to wonder that so many people are put off by the mere sight of the study on the list of threads. I am not interested in ninjutsu, that was sooo 80's, and not interested in mixed martial arts, so I don't go to those threads. I have yet to call for someone to remove them from my sight.
It's a perception thing. You hit new, you see 15 out of 25 topics are political, you figure you're on a politics site. You see 15 out of 25 are TKD, you figure you're on a TKD site.
Not true, by intent, but true by activity.

At the end though, it's up to the various art sections to build themselves. That's the nature of 'discussion'. People talk about what interests them. I'm interested in photography, hence my active participation in those areas. Not interested in knife fighting, so I lurk there as needed but don't post much there.
oh good grief... I outspammed billi.....



color me shocked. Cause i thought bill c makes more posts than you do. At least its like i see more of them than yours. I didnt think you were more loquacious, honestly.

as for me, I'm not surprised i'm not there. heck Bob said i needed to post more and at my rate it'll take me years to be a master BB or whatever he said. But i'm happy to just be me, the cute little quiet one who just sits in the corner and don't have much to say. :D
And queitly weaves her webs and makes her plans and waits for her chance to pounce, right blade 96?
I came back to this post because there seem to be a few returning members and these members do not seem to like what they see here on the study. Well, I would encourage you to follow Empty Hand, he feels the same way and finally decided to post things he would like to see here. He still complains about what others post, but don't worry, we who love a free exhange of ideas will not complain about what others post. Let the posting begin.
Variety is the spice of life....except when married where monotony, err I mean monogamy is the norm.
I had to read this thread.

So ... someone complained?? Cuz ... I don't see it anywhere.

A Study-heavy MartialTalk.com has been the challenge for staff for a while and I have to give kudos to MJS who seeks regularly to start and engage in discussions related to his arts.

I think a lot of people think of the Study on MartialTalk.com as a nice dumping ground for their political opinions ... which it is not. And if the current atmosphere is detrimental to the future of the board, perhaps its owner should take appropriate action therein.

Wouldn't exactly cripple me with grief to see the Study go.
I can see it now....as the issues go by the centerfold goes from straight up porn, to her in lingerie, to t-shirt and sweats, to flannel PJ's and socks, to her asleep under the covers, curlers in her hair, with her back to you. :)
After a few decades of subscriptions the wrinkles, stretch marks and weight gain make you rethink that yearly renewal. :boing2:
Nah, I don't mind him. It's a free country. I don't find most of his posts amusing, though, or harmless-in fact, I'm surprised that he hasn't died from brain poisoning, with the stuff that comes out of it and all....:lfao:

lol.....actually I think Bill is harmless, he doesn't get nasty like some of the right wing nuts, some his posts are totally whacky, like using Mark Steyn as a valid opinion on.....well just about anything except musical theatre.

I notice though that a lot of his threads are starting to get ignored....there is only so much of posting of other opinion pieces that anyone will find interesting.

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