Why are you here?

I came here to discuss martial arts, I signed up when I started training again after years of being lazy.

I tend to stay away from the non-MA sections because I really hate getting into fights and debates over the internet, it seems silly to me. Besides, my personal thoughts and belifes are mine and most of the time I don't wish to share, I'm an objectivist, atheist, republican, heavy metal guitar player. I've got degrees in English Lit and Journalism (so I save my writing for when I get paid) and I live in a world of hard facts not faith, so much of the religious talk on here I stay away from rather than offending people's belife systems.

Do I think that the non MA sections are necessary? No. But I would never wish to have them removed because other people here do. I do however like popping in to see what books people are reading for my own selfish reasons.
Oh yeah....

My wife is heavily involved in a NUMBER of horse related forums. Those forums really run the gamut. There are some where posting is completely open, personal attacks, flames, trolling, you name it. Very little moderation....and some conversation seem to degrade very quickly. You have to have EXTREMELY thick skin, even for a normal conversation.

Then, there are others which are TIGHTLY moderated. One board does not even have an off topic area and any posts or topics which the board owner or moderators don't like or disagree with are simply removed. That forum is very polite and focused...but has very few posts.

I really think that Bob and the Staff have found a perfect balance here. There is enough freedom to allow plenty of posting with little restriction, but not too much to restrict on or off topic discussion.
Plus, I really like the idea that when I go to MT Meet and Greets....I can look everyone in the eye and know that while some may not have agreed with everything that I've said, I've been nice to everyone.
Plus, I really like the idea that when I go to MT Meet and Greets....I can look everyone in the eye and know that while some may not have agreed with everything that I've said, I've been nice to everyone.
I look forward to the time I'll be able to attend a Meet N Greet and know that I don't have to worry about being punched in the face or :btg: for something I said that may have offended anyone. We're all adults (most of us anyway :rolleyes: ) and we all know and respect many on this forum.
We've made friends and understand each other better.

I read most of the martial arts threads, but don't add a lot because with my < 2 years of experience I don't feel like I have much to contribute. I'm a young'un who needs to keep his mouth shut and listen to the elders, so to speak.
I went to a meet and greet once...

I got to meet Bob and his Girlfriend:


Some of the Other Girls here on MT:


And I think we did some training too...
That was an advanced meditation technique from Kungate.
Yeeeaahhh rrriiiigggghhtt. :rolleyes:

Oh so if/when I go to a MT Meet & Greet you and your girlfriend won't mind if I try that with her then?? :uhyeah:
If you look like one of the main men from 300, she might not.
Spray on abs don't count. :)

For those wondering or going WTF?, we have alot of fun at the M&G's, though only the 05 involved hottubbing. This years is in July, it's a great way to put faces to names, good socializing and good training as well. Thread's in the Event section, and you can see who's teaching this year at http://martialtalk.com/camp/buffalo2008/

That of course is also part of why I'm here and keep growing the MT network of sites. To meet great people from all arts and from all over the world.
Yeah, I dunno what it is about me inspiring Hot Tubbing, but it always seems to happen when I am around... its kinda spooky.
The Study lets me comment/question on things I can't normally bring up around my group of friends because we all have similar opinions on most political/religious/taboo subjects, or have zero inclination to talk about them.

It's refreshing to rant, as well as get ranted on. You see where the other side comes from.

Then when you run into someone with an opposing opinion, you just might be able to offer a good rebuttal, because you've argued that point before in writing and heard an opposing argument in The Study.
MT is a community of people who mostly have the practice (or at least the interest) of martial arts in common. Like any community, people talk about different things all of the time. Having places like the non-MA fora helps to bring everyone together. I am here because I like it. I like it so much, I pay Bob on an annual basis for my supporting membership.
Why am I here?
For a long time, I wasn't. I spent quite a long period of time contemplating Sand in the Garden. Now, I'm back, to add my 2 cents, to annoy the Power Ranger Wannabes, to mind **** the mundanes, and to wander the site as it amuses me so.

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