One Liners

Chuck Norris:

Well pay attention, 'cause you're only gonna see it once.

Forced Vengeance:
Why do they always pick on my hat?

Code of Silence:
When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you.

Why don't you give it to me right now?
"My kind of trouble doesn't take vacations" ("Lone Wolf McQuade")

"If I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you" ("Code of Silence")
"If you come back in here, I'm going to hit you with so many rights, you're going to beg for a left." ("Invasion USA")
Cooke: You scared, motherf**ker? Well, you should be, because this Green Beret is going to kick your big a**!
Matrix: I eat Green Berets for breakfast. And right now, I'm very hungry! -Commando

Bob Hauk: You going to kill me, Snake?
Snake Plissken: Not now, I'm too tired.
Snake Plissken: Maybe later.
-Escape from Newyork

Master Betty: Hmmm. I'll kill him. I'll kill him dead. Like with, with a, rock or something. Like a, like a stone. -Kung Pow
Bonzai!!!! Bonzai!!!! Bonzai!!!! - Mr Myagi - Karate Kid

You better stop doing that, you might wanna have kids one day. - Jackson - Bloodsport

He's the american that plays tricks with bricks - Fighter - Bloodsport

No step there! - Xian - Kickboxer

You want me to break my leg? - Jean Claude - Kickboxer

"Whats a matter are ya yeller?" - Travis Brickley - Best of the Best

"Obviously" - Tommy Lee - Best of the Best

"Its a full count Kim chee and I'm about hit a home run on your face boy" - Travis Brickley - Best of the Best

"My name is Sae Jing Quan, Seoul Korea and I know everything about you" - Sae Jing Quan - Best of the Best

"You eat, sleep, and ****... competition!" - Coach Cuzeau - Best of the Best

"The Chosen One!" - Kung Pow

"We are both ventriloquist, ventroliquists, ventroloquists....." - Kung Pow

"Fight hard, fight strong, no mercy sir!" - Cobra Kai

"Mercy is for the Weak" - John Creese - Karate Kid

"No need fight anymore, you prove point" - Mr. Myagi
Joel Grey as Chiun:"You have come onto the care of Chiun, Master of Sinanju..Sinanju little fishing village where all the martial arts began..Kung-Fu, Karate, Aikido, Ninjitsu these are all shadows''..Remo Williams, The Adventure Begins..
Karate Kid:

Daniel: Yeah, but you knew karate.
Miyagi: Someone always know more.

Miyagi: I promise teach karate to you, you promise learn.

Miyagi: Now use head for something other than target.
Kreese: Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?
(Karate Class: NO, SENSEI!)
Kreese: Pain does not exist in this dojo, does it?
(Karate Class: NO, SENSEI!)
Kreese: Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it?
(Karate Class: NO, SENSEI!)

Daniel: Hey, what kind of belt do you have?
Miyagi: Canvas. JC Penney, $3.98. You like?

Kelly Stone (as played by Joe Piscopo in Sidekicks): "Chuck Norris? Chuck Norris? He doesn't compete anymore kid, and the main reason, one of the main reasons he doesn't compete anymore is me. He doesn't compete 'cause I would kick his ***."

Couldn't remember nor find the line, but anybody remember exactly what Stone says when he spots the kid walking on his mat with his shoes and goes berzerk? Cracks me up because (cough) I've felt the same way as Stone :)
It's like a finger pointing to the stars......Dont look at the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory.

-Bruce Lee
I liked the line in Steven Seagal's movie Fire Down Below when Seagal asks the old man "can I fix your front porch?" and the old man says "no I might like it". Seagal replies "is that something like a Zen riddle?" Thought that was kinda funny.

Speaking of the movie The Next Karate Kids when Miagi takes the girl out bowling with the monks and the monks are bowling with their eyes closed. I believe and the girl asks "what are they doing?" Miagi says "Zen Bowling". The funny thing was the monks were knocking all the pins down.
"To be the man, you gotta beat the man! Whoo!" -Ric Flair

" I know I can kick your a**, cause I've been the world champion more times than you've been laid" - also Ric Flair

"One will stand, one will fall." Optimus Prime

"You gonna pull those pistols or whistle dixie?" Clint Eastwood

Pretty much everything Samuel L. Jackson says in Pulp Fiction but I think my favorite is ..

"Normally your a** would be as dead as fried chicken right about now, but fortunatly you caught me in a transitional period and I don't wanna kill ya."

From Circle of Iron aka The Silent Flute: "Tie 2 birds together and even though they have 4 wings they cannot fly"..David Carradine as the Blind Man..
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" I don't know kar-rotty but I ka-razy and I will use it".From Shanghai Noon..Owen Wilson as Roy O'Bannon..
Chiun [drives a truck off a cliff and sits in the rubble holding the door handle at the bottom]: "In Korea, door handles do not break!"



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