Favorite Martial Arts Movie?!?

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Beautiful cinematography; lyrical and unbearably poignant, heartbreakingly sad story, and the unmatchable Michelle Yeoh... what more could anyone ask for?
In comparision with other wuxia movies it was amateurish and didn't deserve an award. People who were more familiar with the wuxia genre said so and would have preferred Swordsman 1 or 2,Bride with white hair or Fong Sai Yuk.

Tai chi master also had michelle yeoh and the same choreographer Yuen Woo Ping and it was 4 times better than Crouching tiger. :D
Oh, so many to choose from... what an evil question. I think I would have to say "Legend of Drunken Master" mostly because I love action comedies, and that movie has some excelent stuntwork, and the acting was much better than some MA movies out there. I agree that bloodsport is a great movie, one of Van Damm's best in my opinion, and I will happily watch any Bruce Lee or Jet Lee movie. Though I still need to see Ong Bak (I know I am a terrible and deprived person) But overall "Legend of Drunken Master" is a movie I just truly enjoy.
Well if I can ONLY PICK ONE it would have to be either Jet Li's Fist of Legend or Shogun Assassin. I would have a very hard time trying to choose between the two.

In comparision with other wuxia movies it was amateurish and didn't deserve an award. People who were more familiar with the wuxia genre said so and would have preferred Swordsman 1 or 2,Bride with white hair or Fong Sai Yuk.

Tai chi master also had michelle yeoh and the same choreographer Yuen Woo Ping and it was 4 times better than Crouching tiger. :D

I completely agree with everything said in this post.
The Grandmaster - I also enjoy the old classics like Bloodsport and many of the others you guys mentioned. I didn't warm up to this film the first time I saw it - it has less excitement and 'fun' than most martial arts films, but have since watched it over and over again. The testing of Ip Man in the brothel fights is just brilliant - baguazhang, hsing i, wing chun - the film slows and drifts after that, but the scene between Ziyi Zhang doing Baguazhang with Tony Leung using Wing Chun is my favorite martial arts exchange of all time in any film.
Gotta give a nod to the Kung Fu tv show. Loved the philosophy and the teaching. As Carradine trained more, his fight scenes almost became decent.

Now...favorite movie. Man, there are so many to choose from. But I gotta say....A History of Violence. Some of the most realistic uses of martial arts ever done in a movie.

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