One Liners

"You Jackson? You look like a Jackson."
The manager guy, can't remember his character's name, Bloodsport quote]
OMG me and my brother never stop laughing at this part! Also "Ok USA!" HAHAHAHAHA!

I love that movie...:rofl::lool::lfao::lol:
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"To be the man, you gotta beat the man! Whoo!" -Ric Flair

" I know I can kick your a**, cause I've been the world champion more times than you've been laid" - also Ric Flair

"One will stand, one will fall." Optimus Prime

"You gonna pull those pistols or whistle dixie?" Clint Eastwood

Pretty much everything Samuel L. Jackson says in Pulp Fiction but I think my favorite is ..

"Normally your a** would be as dead as fried chicken right about now, but fortunatly you caught me in a transitional period and I don't wanna kill ya."


Here are some of my favorite one liners.....

Diamonds are forever and so are the four horseman. -Rick Flair

I'm a limosine riding, lear jet flyin', kiss stealin', wrestlin' son of a gun....whoooooo. -Rick Flair

I'm a 60 minute man. -Rick Flair

I'm styling and profiling....whooooo. -Rick Flair

I'm the man of the hour and the man with the power. -Dusty Rhodes

I dine on T bone steaks, work out with metal plates, and I'm sweeter than a German chocolate cake. -Dusty Rhodes
From Aliens, one of my favorite movies;

Sergeant Apone: Alright sweethearts, you heard the man and you know the drill! *******s and elbows!

Private William Hudson: Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?
Private Jenette Vasquez: No. Have you?

Private William Hudson: I'm ready man, check it out. I am the ultimate badass! State-of-the-badass-art! You do not want to **** with me. Check it out. Hey Ripley! Don't you worry, me and my squad of ultimate bad-asses will protect you. Check it out, independently targeting particle-beam phalanx. Whap! You can fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phase plasma pulse rifles, and we got Sonic Electronic Ball-Breakers! We got nukes, knives, sharp sticks...
Johnny Yuen in They Call Me Bruce "I'm a sex object, when I ask women for sex, they object"...
"I ain't got time to bleed." -Gov. Jesse "the Body" Ventura in America's best film to feature two future governors...Predator!

"If it bleeds, we can kill it." Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, ibid
"I ain't got time to bleed." -Gov. Jesse "the Body" Ventura in America's best film to feature two future governors...Predator!

Poncho: Oh, okay. [firing a few round from his M203 grenade launcher] You got time to duck?

Love that movie. Too bad the sequels are so crappy
"What if I freeze?" The kid in Forbidden Kingdom
"Don't forget to breathe." Jet Li as the Soldier Monk.

Never Back Down- The little brother walks in on the main dude and his girlfriend "wrestling"
"What are you doing?" Younger brother
"Wrestling" Older brother.
"Am I starting to look Norwegian to you Bawana?" ~Childs as played by Keith David in John Carpenter's The Thing.
Robert Shaw: "Your boss is quite a card player Mr. Kelly how does he do it?"
Robert Redford: "He cheats."

~ The Sting
Been awhile since I've read the entire thread, so sorry if these have always appeared.

But here are some Morpheus quotes from the Matrix:

"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."

"What are you waiting for? You're faster than this. Don't think you are, know you are. Come on. Stop trying to hit me and hit me."

"Do you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place? Do you think that's air you're breathing now?" (followed by a priceless expression ...)

and, of course:

Neo: "I know kung fu!"
Morpheus: [eyeing him, hand on chin] "Show me."
"I'm here to kick @** & chew bubble gum. And I'm fresh out of bubble gum." Rowdy Roddy Pipper
I done got me the Kaiser blade, some folks call it a sling blade but I call it a Kaiser blade... ~Karl

"I like the way you talk, too, ummm-hmmm"

"It ain't got no gas in it." - Karl

"Get out of my house, you tunin' bastard!" - Doyle Hargraves to one of the guys in his band

"I reckon I might have some of the big'uns..." - Karl, ordering fries.
I'm the commander of this ship! Give me that goddamn key! ~Capt. Ramsey

Hunter: Rivetti, what's up?
Petty Officer First Class Danny Rivetti: I'm sorry, Sir. It's just a difference of opinion that got out of hand.
Hunter: What about?
Petty Officer First Class Danny Rivetti: It's really too silly to talk about, Sir. I'd really just forget about...
Hunter: I don't give a damn about what you'd rather forget about. Why were you two fighting?
Petty Officer First Class Danny Rivetti: I said, the Kirby Silver Surfer was the only real Silver Surfer. And that the Moebius Silver Surfer was ****. And Bennefield's a big Moebius fan. And it got of hand. I pushed him. He pushed me. I lost my head, Sir. I'm Sorry.
Hunter: Rivetti, you're a supervisor. You can get a commission like that.
[Snaps finger]
Petty Officer First Class Danny Rivetti: I know, Sir. You're 100 percent right. It will never happen again.
Hunter: It better not happen again. If I see this kind of nonsense again, I'm going to write you up. You understand?
Petty Officer First Class Danny Rivetti: [No answer]
Hunter: Do you understand?
Petty Officer First Class Danny Rivetti: Yes, Sir.
Hunter: You have to set an example even in the face of stupidity. Everybody who reads comic books knows that the Kirby Silver Surfer is the only true Silver Surfer. Now am I right or wrong?
Petty Officer First Class Danny Rivetti: You're right, Sir.
Hunter: Now get out of here.
Petty Officer First Class Danny Rivetti: Yes, Sir.

~both from Crimson Tide

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