mystic warrior
Green Belt
This has not thing to do with kuk sa nims De Alba's camp but more so.
Do joo nims camp vs Kuk sa nim Yums camp.
In speaking with people from the East coast hwa rang do group and speaking to the Wast coast part of the WHRDA. I have learned that Kuk Sa Nim Yum teaches Hwa rang do the old school way before the tae soo do thing. And that it had more of a chinese way about it.
And when you talk to any one from WI to CA it it has more of tae kwon do feel to it.
Why is that arn't they teaching the same thing. This is not a bash on either sides guys so please do not start now.
I just kind of want to know why it is they way it is.
With out all of the political stuff that comes with a hwa rang do post.
Do joo nims camp vs Kuk sa nim Yums camp.
In speaking with people from the East coast hwa rang do group and speaking to the Wast coast part of the WHRDA. I have learned that Kuk Sa Nim Yum teaches Hwa rang do the old school way before the tae soo do thing. And that it had more of a chinese way about it.
And when you talk to any one from WI to CA it it has more of tae kwon do feel to it.
Why is that arn't they teaching the same thing. This is not a bash on either sides guys so please do not start now.
I just kind of want to know why it is they way it is.
With out all of the political stuff that comes with a hwa rang do post.