No I don't train with him. No it's not theoretical. We don't do the same training. He as a college scholarship for wrestling so I can't do anything that may mess that up for him. When I gave him a try I told him I wouldn't strike him back and all he had to do was take me down. I told him I had a theory about the low stance and for him to give a good effort. And he did within the limitations of the environment. We weren't on a mat so there were a lot of wrestling entries that would have damaged his knees if he he tried and got it wrong. He tried a couple of times anyway. He went for my front let and I defended my front leg. When he thought I would be static, I moved and there was nothing for him to grab. He tried grabbing my hand and I was able to do some simple Chin Na escapes that prevented him to grabbing my arm. From what I could tell from my end. My low stance made his stance inefficient for what how he usually wrestles. For example, he would never see someone stand like that in his wrestling competitions. He's stronger than me. I'm heavier than he is. back thin I think it was by 25 pounds, but he could easily deal with 195 pounds. He's strong enough for that. He has pushed defensive linemen heavier than me.
I don't like to debate "what I would do" in theory. I rather focus on things that I actually could do. For example, me being able to stomp on someone's hand from that stance is not difficult. Because the stance is low, the stomp comes down a lot harder and faster than it would if I was in a higher stance. Give it a try and you will get the same result So when I talk martial arts I don't want to talk about theories as much as I do about "What are my realistic options."
If I knew some Greco Roman wrestlers, I would. Because I want to know where the limitations are and when the technique fails. Knowing that a technique is successful is not the most important thing. Knowing when it will fail is the most important thing. Knowing when it will fail will keep you from doing the stupid things.
Things about the low stance.
Change the angle that someone must take to grab your leg. This will make it difficult especially if you have hands that will interfere. Someone comes in to grab the leg then move. Like Kung Fu Wang stated the distance of your stance is important. If someone can get your rear leg then it's the same as grabbing the front leg.
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In the picture the guy on the left has the Worst Stance. Someone who is good at taking your legs without shooting on them will make you pay dearly for standing like this. If he moves his right leg then his left leg is still in danger. If he moves his left leg then his right leg is still in danger. From this position he has no rear leg. He can try to sprawl, but he won't sprawl if you sweep..
The BJJ guy on the left does a BJJ version of my low stance. If there was striking involved then his face would be in danger. But we'll only look at the grappling aspect. To see the similarities
Advantage for me that the picture BJJ practitioner doesn't have is that the physics of the body means I can shuffle back to escape a front leg grab attempt
- both stances reduce the amount of space that someone has to get under you. My stance does this. If my stance is no good then that BJJ stance above is equally trash.
- Hands are position so that you can protect your front leg (knee down). Because my stance is this low I can use my hand to defend my front leg.
- Rear leg is far back in the safety zone. If he steps back with his front leg, then his rear leg will still be safe, unlike the guy on the left. My stance does this too. Even though he is close to my front leg he is still far away from my rear leg. Even if he wants to shoot for that rear leg, it will be near impossible because the low stance means that the shoot will start lower than normal and as a result will hit the ground before he reaches the back leg.
- If a person tries to over run the low stance then you automatically are under the person. You have probably remember seeing this when I picked someone up
Disadvantage for BJJ stance. He cannot do the same but he can step back or sprawl. I can also step back, but I cannot sprawl from this position.
Advantage for BJJ stance. He can make that area under his body while maintaining a comfortable stance.
Disadvantage for me. I cannot not make that area smaller without making my stance lower. If my stance becomes too low then it will not be functional. It also takes me more energy to maintain this stance which is why it is said "Your horse stance should be strong." Don't believe me. Get into this stance and you'll find out just how strong your legs aren't and you'll have a good idea of how strong the must be.
Advantage for me, I'm in a position that is safer to receive and give strikes. Or doing things like lifting my foot to stomp on someone's hands.
Disadvantage for BJJ . His structure will not allow him life his front leg to stomp in a stable manner. If I can kick his legs or hands, then I can kick is face. That's a front kick party all day long.
1-4 is what makes the BJJ stance work. My stance has 1- 4 which is why it works. It is a Kung Fu solution not a BJJ solution. If my stance is no good then the BJJ stance is equally trash.
These stances are equally trash as well Even thought they meet the 4 key points.. Like I said before you guys make this stuff way to complicated
You should have your training partners test your stance against an arm drag to a back take, and see how that goes.