Tez. I'll fess up. It was me. :wavey:
Drop Bear.
What you posted was not quite the same.
Your post suggests you believe kata is a set of movements that form the building blocks of a martial art. Although that is true in a rudimentary sense, it is not even close to what kata really is. You don't need kata for that. Then you added all the 'what it's not' stuff which is really irrelevant to kata. (Of course here I am referring to karate kata only, that is totally different to Judo kata or Ninjutsu kata.) Even so all elements of kata bunkai would be totally relevant to environment. That is up to how you train the bunkai. De-escalation, maybe, escape and evade definitely, position of disadvantage, sometimes.
Kata, for those who study it, is so much more.
Tez posted was ...
The key to
Tez's post is the reference to bunkai and self defence. Kata is a bit like a mnemonic. It gives you the techniques and it gives you the order, angle and direction. The bunkai gives you the application. Without understanding the meaning of the mnemonic, it is nothing more than a rhyme.
Accusing you of ignorance of the kata was not intended to be an insult. (I would have called you ignorant if if was trying to insult.

I'll reserve that label for someone who deserves it far more than you.)
I am not concerned with people who do not understand kata etc. or what others do in their training but are willing to question and explore issues. What really pisses me off is when you try to explain something to someone with a closed mind who ignores any explanation you might offer. I have spent many years researching kata and I take exception when the knowledge I have obtained is dismissed out of hand by someone with no knowledge of anything, who claims to be all knowing about everything. End of rant!