Nin Gu - Ninja Tools

Fool Wolf said:
Also, I have seen Hatsumi do many techniques with the shuriken in his hand, using it that way is easier than conditioning your fingers and developing an iron palm.

Yeah, he demonstrated that on the Hidden Weapons Dvd... cool stuff.
"And apparently its such a common occurance in Austrailia that they have had to ban swords... "

That's true Techno, unfortunate for some states.
Its more over in the Eastern states though, like in Victoria swords are completely banned, but at some stage they were talking about making exceptions for serious collectors and martial artists but you can just imagine how that would be abused! Over here in the West though its fine, there are no sword restrictions, i bought a katana through the mail, collected it from the post office in a long questions asked...

Sadly though i know of a martial arts shop in the city that just sells its weapons to any old average Joe, i heard he other day of some guy whos friend bought a pair of kama, and this guy has no involvement in martial arts...a worry:rolleyes: But hey, its a wonderful world, i'm sure that guy wanted the kama to mount on his wall:idunno:

hey im a new person and i want to be a ninja like Ri Hotei and the lengendary ninjas of old. As you can guess i dont realy study it or go to a dojo, for special reasons. I was wondering if when you do sho ten no jutsu(heard of it) how far up can you go on a tree. O yeah and do the shuriken have a ring on the back like naruto and do any of you know any kuji-kiri. I think kuji-kiri is awsome not having to fight some huge guy and just layin them out on the florr from the hypnotic effect of the kuji-kiri that you did.
Ninhito, welcome to the Board.

I think you will find, as you read thru some of the posts, that a lot of the Fantasy aspects of Ninjutsu/jitsu are just that, fantasy. Take some time to read the previous posts, and let them help formulate an idea of what real ninjutsu/jitsu is.

I personally have never seen shuriken with rings on them, but that is not to say they dont exist...

In the Bujinkan (the organization I belong to) it is my understanding that Kuji is only taught to higher ranking students... perhaps one of them could elaborate if you ask about it in the traditional section...

Again, welcome to the board!
isnt this the traditional ninjutsu baord and whats the difference in this NEO ninjutsu, that i saw when i came in here, and traditional. Is there a different philosophy or something?
ninhito said:
isnt this the traditional ninjutsu baord and whats the difference in this NEO ninjutsu, that i saw when i came in here, and traditional. Is there a different philosophy or something?
This is the General Section, for more information on the different sections you can try reading this thread:

Basically, Traditonal is for discussing Ninjutsu related to the X-kan's... Bujinkan, Genbukan, etc...

Modern is for discussion of arts like Toshindo, Tew-ryu, Ninjukai, etc...

And General is for General Ninjutsu/jitsu talk.
ninhito said:
isnt this the traditional ninjutsu baord and whats the difference in this NEO ninjutsu, that i saw when i came in here, and traditional. Is there a different philosophy or something?
ninhito, a few months ago we all came to the conclusion that there were actually 2 areas of ninjutsu. the traditional and modern.
*traditional/classical= bujinkan, genbukan, jenikan. these 3 kans all come from the original togakure ryu (the iga mnts. of japan). this would also include the koga ninja. the only problem with koga ninja is that the only one that could actually prove lineage died in a car accident about 30 yrs ago. mostley all trad. ninjutsu is about the same in form and technique (being they all came from hatusmi). you can search some more post here to find more info.

*modern/neo= toshindo, rtms, ninjukai,... there are others. basicaly we are modern arts/styles with ninjutsu concepts, theories, philosophies behind our arts. toshindo was started by stephen k hayes. rtms(rick tew's martial science) was started by rick tew. ninjukai taijutsu was started by john ang. they all have their own way of doing things. mind you, we do hold sacred our modern titles and hate to see it bashed by others just going for the ninjutsu costume. (i.e. ahida kim) one of the benefits of modern is that it evolves and attains new skills according to its culture on how to handle situations.
we do ask when you present your art to be honest, up front, and direct with your opinion.both side are equally founded in their schools and try to represent them in the best manner. anyone of the practicioners here should be glad to answer any questions you might have. good luck one looking for the right style to join.
hope this helps!
Enson said:
mostley all trad. ninjutsu is about the same in form and technique (being they all came from hatusmi). you can search some more post here to find more info.

Thanks for the expansion of my explaination Enson.

I am going to make one small correction... they all came from Takamatsu, not Hatsumi, hence the term "Takamatsuden" :asian:
Technopunk said:
Thanks for the expansion of my explaination Enson.

I am going to make one small correction... they all came from Takamatsu, not Hatsumi, hence the term "Takamatsuden" :asian:
i stand corrected. ;) will never happen again!:asian:
Thats cool but isnt the traditional ninjutsu that was started in China and carried over to Japan and taught by the yamabushi on Mt. Kurama the best one for hard training. weeew that took alot of breath *weeez* *weeez*
And with that could you train on your own without being at a dojo (like your backyard). Sooo, the neo is started by the Americans, 'bout time we got a martial art. Sooo what is the mental focus of the Neo because i would love to stick with traditional if it was harder training.

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