Mr. E
Blue Belt
You say that To-Shin Do guys become trolls in the forums, but it's provocative and non-productive arguments like yours that cause said trolls.
If you reread what I posted, I took issue with what you were saying about people in the Bujinkan I consider friends. If you had talked only about Mr Hayes and not tried to build him up by tearing others down, there would be no problem. Think about that please before you post again.
I don't need you to argue with me about some stupid plaque. It is insignificant "to the power of the Force"...I mean, to our training. If it matters to Anshu, then that's his personal issues, but he heads an organization that offers his effective interpretation and translation of the kihon gata, as well as classical shoden and higher gata he was taught by YOUR organization head. Now whether anyone wants to acknowledge Anshu as a student anymore, that's their prerogative, but the fact still remains:
SKH HAS the know-how, HAS the skills, HAS the experience, and HAS the right mindset to head an organization of civil-minded, (for the most part), individuals dedicated to self improvement, self protection, and the protection of others.
Why is his having skills and such "fact?"
Anyone, with any level of martial arts experience is free to start their own style and start teaching. Many people have taken a few lessons and then started their own system. As much as we may disaprove of their actions, they do have the right to do what they want as long as there is no deception.
But your point for this thread was that Mr Hayes was qualified to start his own system in the manner of the Togakure ryu spirit. That is a different manner.
You mentioned, quite a lot, the idea of shu ha ri. Well, are you familiar with the term menkyo kaiden?
For those who do not know, it is a certificate that shows that the person has learned all he can from his teacher in the system.
The first part of shu ha ri is the idea that you perfect the form. Then you go on to do the Ha and Ri sections.
Getting menkyo kaiden from your teacher shows that in his opinion you have reached the point where you know the forms- i.e. "Shu". Mr Hatsumi has given out various menkyo kaiden to his students.
If Mr Hayes does not have MK, then it means that he and not Mr Hatsumi decided that he had the forms down perfect.
Mr Hayes has gone his own way. The soke of the Togakure ryu and the other nine traditions of the Bujinkan is going another way. I do not think ill of Mr Hayes for going in another direction, but if you want to argue that somehow he is qualified to portray what he does as being in the spirit of the Togakure ryu, then please show something like the MK from the soke of the Togakure ryu.
And in any case, please do not post things about how devoted students of Mr Hatsumi that still find new pieces of information, new corrections for previous mistakes, are somehow stupid or otherwise do not understand the true intent of what Mr Hatsumi wishes.