Senior Master
I would hope not. Either you OR me.Funny, sir...truly a To Shin Do Role Model.
I didn't yell, for there were not exclamation points. Big letters draw attention:
Sorry, I was assuming you were following simple, common, forum/message board sentence structure that has been around for longer than I have been posting on the internet.
pay attention now: You know the ones; all caps = yelling, larger typeface = yelling, bold typeface (in context) = yelling.
I never claimed Anshu was a god, but he is a martial arts role model.
I never said you did call him a god. I agree he is a role model (whom I would wonder how he would respond to my posts... May have to e-mail them to him so he could let me know...Naw he is too busy, I'll just run it by him next time I'm at a seminar with him. Either that or I'll stop by one of the Hombu Shihans tomorrow.)
I just don't understand what your saying. To me, it seems like you're riding the fence, and just don't understand such people. Riding the fence on your opinion that is, and so it's hard to respond to, I won't.
Wow, this isn't a response?
Plus I am not riding the fence, i have stated many times here on MT my stand on the art I practice and the people I train with. As well as those who act like children and give the art I love a bad reputation on forums I participate on.
What I will do, is continue to post, promoting my art, teachers, and experiences in said are, and with said teachers. HOPEFULLY, that won't be TOO Honeymoon (whatever that means) for you, SIR.
:waah:? ... ... ...:lol:
Proud To-Shin Do
Great! Good experiences and posts are what we need, not foolishness. I hope you do continue training, I hope you get friends and family members excited about the art.
PS. - We are looking at the definitions I have highlighted. Used in this context it refers to the period where an individual cannot or will not see flaws in anything new to them. Yes there are flaws in our art, just as there are flaws in any art out there. Following taken from ""