New anti Sine Wave pattern deliveries on Youtube

Are we also going to ignore the gentleman in the Youtube clip above like an elephant in the room?
You're diverting. Respond to the things said, or make your counters someplace they make sense. You respond to one post with something that ignores the next and doesn't address the content of the post being made. Because your arguments (thus far) lack cohesion and substance.
You're diverting. Respond to the things said, or make your counters someplace they make sense. You respond to one post with something that ignores the next and doesn't address the content of the post being made. Because your arguments (thus far) lack cohesion and substance.

No Earl does. Listen to what he is saying: a book can never replace an instructor. Well, the instructor needs to learn it from somewhere, and it’s clear he did not learn it properly from his instructor, If what Earl is saying is true.
No Earl does. Listen to what he is saying: a book can never replace an instructor. Well, the instructor needs to learn it from somewhere, and it’s clear he did not learn it properly from his instructor, If what Earl is saying is true.
100% correct. sir. - A book cannot replace an instructor. We should all strive to be better than our instructors because hopefully we each in turn will have better instructors than they did.
100% correct. sir. - A book cannot replace an instructor. We should all strive to be better than our instructors because hopefully we each in turn will have better instructors than they did.

That seems to be bad idea given the diversity of Sine Wave deliveries. Better to encode it in a book.
That seems to be bad idea given the diversity of Sine Wave deliveries. Better to encode it in a book.
Easy to misunderstand a book - particularly when using a 2 dimensional medium to describe a 3 dimensional activity. Heck, we did not understand the "Hooking Kick" in Ko Dang or the "Pick shape kick in Ju Che" until we saw it perfumed.
Easy to misunderstand a book - particularly when using a 2 dimensional medium to describe a 3 dimensional activity. Heck, we did not understand the "Hooking Kick" in Ko Dang or the "Pick shape kick in Ju Che" until we saw it perfumed.
Haha!!! I busted a gut when I read 'perfumed'!!! Hilarious
Easy to misunderstand a book - particularly when using a 2 dimensional medium to describe a 3 dimensional activity. Heck, we did not understand the "Hooking Kick" in Ko Dang or the "Pick shape kick in Ju Che" until we saw it perfumed.

You wrote yourself that Jung Tae Park failed in his effort to convey Sine Wave proper mechanics to North Korea, and that this was acknowledged at the time. So clearly not a good idea either.
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You wrote yourself that Jung Tae Park failed in his effort to convey Sine Wave proper mechanics to North Korea, and that this was acknowledged at the time. So clearly not a good idea either.
I do not believe I ever said that. I would like to see where I supposedly said that. Perhaps I mistyped like above where I typed "Perfumed" instead of "performed" or "Exclude" instead of "elude "
Here it is from the man himself here. No hip twist. Lots of bouncing.

You do not see the hip move? Perhaps since it is an hour and a half video you could provide the exact time stamp for the portion you refer to. There is a part at the 39 plus minute mark where he says "Not This" and shows excessive hip twist. Perhaps that is why you are confused. Overly exaggerated hip twist being improper.
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You do not see the hip move? Perhaps since it is an hour and a half video you could provide the exact time stamp for the portion you refer to. There is a part at the 39 plus minute mark where he says "Not This" and shows excessive hip twist. Perhaps that is why you are confused. Overly exaggerated hip twist being improper.

He does not twist his hips demonstrating sitting stance punches.
I do not believe I ever said that. I would like to see where I supposedly said that. Perhaps I mistyped like above where I typed "Perfumed" instead of "performed" or "Exclude" instead of "elude "

No you wrote that North Koreans did not get it right and the person responsible as demonstrator was Park Jung Tae. You did not blame it on him explicitly, but the point was that they got it wrong
You do not see the hip move? Perhaps since it is an hour and a half video you could provide the exact time stamp for the portion you refer to. There is a part at the 39 plus minute mark where he says "Not This" and shows excessive hip twist. Perhaps that is why you are confused. Overly exaggerated hip twist being improper.

I am referring to his OWN demo, totally void of hip twist
@Acronym , playing off the video of General Choi and the horse stance punch; can you provide an example of what you feel correct technique is? I ask to have a comparison.
This interest me particularly because I come from a non sine wave background in TKD.
As an aside; in am an electrical engineer so I am intimately familiar with sine wave in this context. I do see it as a 2D construct of our theoretical understand of magnitude in a waveform to describe the physical changes of elemental properties we cannot see.

You have batted this back and forth so much I have honestly lost the original message. I think you already know Mr.Wiess has exponentially more experience in this subject than most people still alive. His credentials are undeniable. Unless you can pony up something with substance to back your claims you are just swatting at the air.
But I will give you both credit for keeping this thread alive.
@Acronym , playing off the video of General Choi and the horse stance punch; can you provide an example of what you feel correct technique is? I ask to have a comparison.
This interest me particularly because I come from a non sine wave background in TKD.
As an aside; in am an electrical engineer so I am intimately familiar with sine wave in this context. I do see it as a 2D construct of our theoretical understand of magnitude in a waveform to describe the physical changes of elemental properties we cannot see.

You have batted this back and forth so much I have honestly lost the original message. I think you already know Mr.Wiess has exponentially more experience in this subject than most people still alive. His credentials are undeniable. Unless you can pony up something with substance to back your claims you are just swatting at the air.
But I will give you both credit for keeping this thread alive.

Mr Weiss's credentials don't help him here

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