OK, here are some of my multiple attacker experiences except for the one I detailed earlier, and the lessons I learned.
#1. This was the first time I got mugged, I was 16 and shorter then. The first guy stopped trying to steal a car with the rest of his friends, ran up to me and slammed me against a chain link fence. Great they couldn't attack me from behind! No problem, they kicked and punched me from the front. Being up against a wall and being held by one person is like being held by three people. I got quite a beating by the 5 or 6 guys.
#2. This time I was 17 and a whole year wiser, but no taller. I saw the three coming. One was bigger than me, one my size and one smaller. I said to my girlfriend 'lets move'.
'Don't be stupid' she said 'you've been jumpy ever since you got mugged that time'. They walked past, turned around and slammed my girlfriend against some iron railings. I snapped and tackled the big guy against the railings. He punched me in the eye and pulled a knife, pointing it at my eyeball.
I calmed down.
He pushed me back to the railings, near to my girlfriend. The amaller guys rifled my pockets, he rifled my girlfriends pockets and held the knife on her.
Notice a recurring theme of fences here.
My girlfriend wouldn't give up the PIN numbers to her cashcards. Big Guy threatened to stab her and was getting irate. I was thinking fast but couldn't see a way out. The smallest guy is beginning to enjoy this, and in an effort to humiliate me commands 'Jump up and down and act like a monkey'.
I jump once, twice, and on the third time push/punch the middle guy and hit the knife guy with everything I've got, grabbing my girlfriend and running pulling her along. I figure if she's running I can deal with the consequences.
I looked back and all three were sprawled on the ground, the big one on his hands and knees, looking for his knife I think. I hadn't even hit the smallest one. It must have been my Ki!
Or his fear of looking stupid if he doesn't chase us.
Or my Ki!!!!
Later that night the police said that he stabbed a single woman, and six months later I was unable to pick him out of a line up. My girlfriend went back to Northern Ireland to live with her mother, because she was so shaken up. I lose. Bummer.
#3. Two guys approach me, 17, and demand my cash. I run. I slip in my smooth soled shoes. I roll into a ball. I get kicked unconscious. I buy shoes with grippier soles in future.
No fences involved.
#4. Two more guys chase me, 17 1/2, taller. They catch up with me. I turn to face them. I am wearing steel toe capped boots (with grippy soles) I have now taken to carrying a great club up my sleeve, homemade from reinforced concrete, wrapped in electrical tape. I slip it down behind my leg. The biggest (and these guys were big) asks me why I ran.
I say 'because you chased me'.
He says 'I only wanted a light'.
I say 'I haven't got one'.
He takes a pen from my top pocket and says 'Nice pen'.
I say 'Yes', not moving a muscle. His friend starts looking nervous.
'Weren't you in my brother's class at school?' I ask him.
The first guy puts the pen back into my top pocket, and they both leave.
I would have hit him, and got sent to prison and my life would be crap now. Later on I stopped carrying a club with me everywhere I went.
Moral of the story - some guys can run faster than you.
#5. Finally I have taken up martial arts! I am not very good however. I am 18, and taller still.
I am walking home, through a car park (parking lot) at 1 in the morning. Four dodgy looking guys walk across me about forty yards away. Just like every incidence before they are not talking. This is a very strange way for such youths to behave.
Then they turn back and walk towards me again. Very strange. I wait for a passing car and cross the road towards them, but stop. and with a broad smile on my face follow the tail lights of the car. Then I turn towards them and smile broadly.
They do an about turn and leave me alone. Cool.
#6. Scary. I consider myself quite good at both martial arts and running by now, I am 22. I'm not so good at drinking, and it is two in the morning. I've had a great night, I am very drunk indeed, and I am in a very happy mood, full of good cheer and good will.
When I see two very grown men in the distance (40 yards?) carrying television sets I assume they are moving house at two in the morning. So I shout, thinking that I am hilarious, 'Don't nick televisions!'
Reader thinks - 'leave him to his fate this guy is so stupid he should not reproduce and contaminate the human race further'.
But I live to tell the tale.
40 Yards later I am oblivious to the fact that they have put down their(?) television sets and are awaiting my approach. One of them sort of slaps me about the neck, and I swerve drunkenly to avoid this.
I turn to look at him with a bewildered look on my face and he is standing in front of the other guy crouched holding a 12" kitchen knife out in front of him!
Lordy f&+%!!!!
The thought 'I can't fight or even run' squelches through my sodden brain.
'It's all right mate I'm drunk' I say and give him a sheepish grin.
'Well we aren't drunk', he says 'were just going about our business, now you go about yours'.
'All right mate' I said, and turned and walked away, praying he wouldn't stab me in the back.
A hundred yards down the road the cold February air hit my neck and I felt a stinging on my neck. Then I realised that he hadn't slapped me at all. I touched my neck but it wasn't bleeding.
I was so angry at myself for being so stupid, and for getting so drunk and helpless.
Three miles later, when I got home I looked at my neck in the mirror and saw what looked like two shaving cuts. I knew he'd meant to kill me, because if I hadn't swerved that's what would have happened.
No I have never been that drunk and out of doors since.
#7. I am 24 and run into the nine to eleven guys after getting on the wrong train. But you know all about that already.
So what have I learned?
Being against a fence is not good.
Just because you are feeling friendly does not mean everybody else is.
Be careful how much you drink.
Watch out for groups of people behaving suspiciously. If a group of men aren't talking, or walking as everybody else does, trying to impress each other etc. then ask why. Sometimes they have just finished playing football and they are exhausted, but this shows in their walk and the way they are carrying a ball.
Footwork matters. Wear sensible shoes.
You can talk/act your way out of more situations than you can run from or fight you way out of, but make it to the point - 'I am not worth the hassle' or 'I can't hurt you, look I'm walking'. I have also talked my way out/ ran away from other confrontations, but these weren't multiple attackers. I learned early on that you have to get a message across that will make a pretty nasty person reconsider. The only one I have found to work is 'This isn't worth it', but you have to word it carefully or they read 'I am scared'.
Certainly don't imply 'This isn't fair' which means 'Look I am really clueless'.
When you act, act explosively and decisively.
That's all folks.