Training in multiple arts


White Belt
Hello, what do you guys think about training in multiple (like two) arts at the same time? What if they are similar? ie Hapkido and Kempojujutsu.
What if they are very different ie Kung fu and BJJ?
Let us say in a best case scenario that this person has a martial arts background, and can give equal time and attention to both?
Thoughts? Opinions?
Hi JourneymanDave welcome to Martial talk.

On the site this question pops up alot.

There are two schools of thought about training in more than one art.

On one hand it is a great way to supplement areas you find are lacking or experience a different way of thinking.

On the other hand some think it takes the focus off perfecting the one art.

If you are able to balance your time correctly you should have no problem in training in more than one art. You may not be able to master one system since your time is split but if you put in the time to train both arts you should not suffer much lost.

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