How do you protect yourself against multiple attackers with weapons?

Sadly. Even for a very very good martial artist trained in specifically in SD. 5 or so attackers all carrying bladed weapons. That's very heavily stacked in the wrong direction and all too plausible in this day and age.

If you can't run. The general principles apply, know your surroundings, are you near anything that can become a weapon. Can you position yourself somewhere that only 1 person can attack at a time. (keep 1 attacker between yourself and all the others). Still badly stacked against you, but better then being completely surrounded.

Expect to get hurt very badly and hope that this mindset will conjure up some "craziness" to quickly disable a couple in the most brutal way possible without getting caught out by the others in a hope to make them think again before they also attack.

Either that. Or carry a bigger and faster weapon then they have.

With 5 attackers, if only one has a knife you could be in deep trouble. 5 of anything warrents getting out of town very quickly." He who fights then runs away, lives to fight another day".
Around 5 attackers, and all wielding knives.

I do not believe there is any realistic way to prepare to engage with this situation, especially of you are unarmed. if you get cornered by five thugs with knives, and you have nothing but your empty hands, I'd say you are pretty much ****ed. I'm not saying you should give up and just stand there and let yourself get stabbed. I'd fight back, sure. But I still think there's no way out of that one. If you are lucky you might survive it, but you'll spend time in intensive care in the hospital.

Best bet for this kind of situation: carry a gun and wear a good set of running shoes.
I do not believe there is any realistic way to prepare to engage with this situation, especially of you are unarmed. if you get cornered by five thugs with knives, and you have nothing but your empty hands, I'd say you are pretty much ****ed. I'm not saying you should give up and just stand there and let yourself get stabbed. I'd fight back, sure. But I still think there's no way out of that one. If you are lucky you might survive it, but you'll spend time in intensive care in the hospital.

Best bet for this kind of situation: carry a gun and wear a good set of running shoes.
I think its just as dangerous to think that you can't do it as you can. If you switch in to kill mode and disembowel the first guy, it is quite possible that it could negativly effect the attitude of his friends.
Five guys all with knives, this is a simple one never be in that scenio and all will be well. Knowing your surrounding is crucial to all people living the good life.
Yer stuffed, plain and simple lol.

You would need to target the one that has the escape route covered, attack and manouvre him between you and the rest and run for it.

You will most likely get cut, If its un-avoidable during your attack, try to take it on the outer forearm - as has been said, nothing like the movies lol

Avoidance of such a situation is key, if your suprised for some reason, you must act immediatly and with intent.
Pick your target and explode then sprint..

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