Martial arts goals for 2020 ???

Krav is very easy system to learn
It has many copies from karate but has gotten rid of the silly punches, katas and laughable stances and movements

Krav is a good starter system and attracts many middle aged folks with no experience
You think bjj only attracts young people? Of course not in fact where I train the majority of people are late 30s early 40s not old but not young either. There are plenty of young people who Krav Maga including kids...I should know so I help assist kids classes on Saturday mornings. There's ages 5-15 there and in the clubs I've trained yes there's older people but there's plenty of young people to
The S. Karate is odd
The K. Karate has many high kicks( good for mma)

This is a nonsense, what is 'S and K ' karate when it's at home?

High kicks aren't actually that good for MMA, lower kicks are better for many reasons. The important thing is that whatever kick you employ is a good one.
This is a nonsense, what is 'S and K ' karate when it's at home?

High kicks aren't actually that good for MMA, lower kicks are better for many reasons. The important thing is that whatever kick you employ is a good one.

I'm guessing Shotokan and Kyokushin. (Apologize for my spelling).
No it isn't. In my area that's not very big at all there's 8 karate clubs that I know of and probably more

You have an intereting mix of things
You have traditional but you have modern boxing along with Krav and BJJ
. You kept on evolving ..which is great
Can I ask your hours breakdown for what you train per week
I'm guessing Shotokan and Kyokushin. (Apologize for my spelling).

He has a very truncated style of writing which makes it likely he's disguising the fact he doesn't understand very much about karate, BJJ, TKD or Judo
Don't let people you've never met from a foreign country get you down.

Given his attitude and content of posts, are you actually defending him against foreigners (by which I can only assume you mean me and others)?

If that's so, I honestly thought better of you...
Given his attitude and content of posts, are you actually defending him against foreigners (by which I can only assume you mean me and others)?

If that's so, I honestly thought better of you...

Don't let people you've never met from a foreign country get you down.
Don't let people you've never met from a foreign country get you down.

Not down, just surprised and more than a little disappointed that someone who I had a decent level of respect for lowered themselves to that.
Not down, just surprised and more than a little disappointed that someone who I had a decent level of respect for lowered themselves to that.

Sadly in view of past conversations I've had I'm not surprised at all.
You can watch lKarate classes on ytube and see them go over things from any system
Yes you can.. I can watch swimming on tv doesn't mean it teaches me how to swim. You need to be in there and feel it. Maybe karate doesn't work for you. Fair enough not every style is for everyone but you shouldn't be judging things based on videos. there's always going to be good and bad in any style.
Not down, just surprised and more than a little disappointed that someone who I had a decent level of respect for lowered themselves to that.

Yeah, I was kind of torn on this one. On the one hand, I think the OP needs to stop treating this forum like twitter, and maybe needs a bit more consistency in training. On the other hand, I know you and @Tez3 to be very strong in your opinions and cavalier in your expression of them.
Yeah, I was kind of torn on this one. On the one hand, I think the OP needs to stop treating this forum like twitter, and maybe needs a bit more consistency in training. On the other hand, I know you and @Tez3 to be very strong in your opinions and cavalier in your expression of them.

Beating around the bush does nobody any favours.

I have never, and most likely never will, skirt around by congratulating someone on what I think is poor effort (in any sense of the word) just in case I might cause some sort of triggering.

That sort of snowflake protection is one of the reasons the world is in a poor state.
cavalier in your expression of them.

No, not cavalier but honest. We live in a country where speaking your mind is considered correct. We don't sugar coat things nor do we worry that someone has to rush off for counselling because we disagree with them, we expect an equally forthright reply. It doesn't mean we are always right, it means we know and say what we think. It is considered mealy mouthed to falsely flatter and pander to someone.

Yes you can.. I can watch swimming on tv doesn't mean it teaches me how to swim. You need to be in there and feel it. Maybe karate doesn't work for you. Fair enough not every style is for everyone but you shouldn't be judging things based on videos. there's always going to be good and bad in any style.

Do you still train KRAV and BJJ ??
You have an interesting background.
When you did Boxing competition: did you frequently spar at a boxing gym
We live in a country where speaking your mind is considered correct. We don't sugar coat things nor do we worry that someone has to rush off for counselling because we disagree with them, we expect an equally forthright reply. It doesn't mean we are always right, it means we know and say what we think. It is considered mealy mouthed to falsely flatter and pander to someone.

Well, that's how it was at least and thankfully still is among the majority.

Unfortunately, it's becoming lost.

What with expressing disagreement during university debates being cause for ejection from the premises, and "loud, shocking and triggering" applause being outvoted by the Oxford student union to be replaced by jazz hands to reduce anxiety I'm really not entirely sure where the country is heading.

One can only hope we get back on track.

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