Martial arts goals for 2020 ???

You should be doing conditioning and fitness classes, a stronger core would help support your back for a start.
if that's all you can do because you won't get fit ( I saw your post about not needing to do conditioning because you weren't overweight) then you will never progress because you are basically stuck in a rut.
My first martial arts was Krav Maga and I was 34
I picked it for certain reasons and I did it for almost 5 yrs !!!
Really Krav is enough after 18 months
My goals for 2020.
Get quasar44 to knuckle down and push beyond just taking part.
Continue improving.
Get training done for 2021 jungle trek (was supposed to be Belize, but now confirmed as Guatamala, still a couple of spaces left @dvcochran and we finish with 2 days R&R on a Caribbean island).
getting quasar44 to knuckle down and push beyond just taking part.
I don't currently have any specific 2020 goals for my training. I probably need to set some in a couple of areas. I need to get together with someone with more knowledge and figure out a regimen to stop the cycle of shoulder injuries that keep stopping my strength training, and figure out a better set of exercises for my legs, since my knees don't really like me doing squats and the like with any real weight any more.

As for the skill side, I'm happy just dabbling with whatever I can. If I can find work near home (so I have availability and money at the same time), I'd love to take up something newish, maybe get beyond the BJJ rudiments I know or try on some boxing. A kicking style would be fun for a while, too - I've never really worked heavily on them, and have been having fun with them more lately. And maybe start learning the forms used at the Karate school I teach at.

Man, I'm gonna need more time.
@quasar44 - what do you think conditioning actually is?

A few people (including me) are telling you it's something you should be doing, but if you don't know what it means it's not going to help much...
I don't currently have any specific 2020 goals for my training. I probably need to set some in a couple of areas. I need to get together with someone with more knowledge and figure out a regimen to stop the cycle of shoulder injuries that keep stopping my strength training, and figure out a better set of exercises for my legs, since my knees don't really like me doing squats and the like with any real weight any more.

As for the skill side, I'm happy just dabbling with whatever I can. If I can find work near home (so I have availability and money at the same time), I'd love to take up something newish, maybe get beyond the BJJ rudiments I know or try on some boxing. A kicking style would be fun for a while, too - I've never really worked heavily on them, and have been having fun with them more lately. And maybe start learning the forms used at the Karate school I teach at.

Man, I'm gonna need more time.

Don’t you do many kicks in karate ???
@quasar44 - what do you think conditioning actually is?

A few people (including me) are telling you it's something you should be doing, but if you don't know what it means it's not going to help much...

I know what it means
I just don’t like any physical activities when I am not doing martial arts to rest my body up
My first martial arts was Krav Maga and I was 34
I picked it for certain reasons and I did it for almost 5 yrs !!!
Really Krav is enough after 18 months

So you think doing a martial art for 18 months means you know it all and don't need to do it anymore?

What do you learn in your MMA class? If you are learning what you should, stand up and ground work, your other classes are redundant if you aren't planning to compete. Instead of taking extra classes use the time to get physically fit because at the moment you are in a vicious circle.
I know what it means
I just don’t like any physical activities when I am not doing martial arts to rest my body up

I have no doubt that you know what you think it means.

Just like the weight loss-centric gym down the road from me who only link conditioning with losing weight - they know what they think it means too...
I just don’t like any physical activities when I am not doing martial arts to rest my body up
You do know, if you dont push beyond what you are comfortable doing, or what you dont like, the body doesnt need rest. In Martial arts your improved skill will improve your health, and improved health will improve your skill, if you dont change what you do, nothing will change. I dare you to push yourself to the limit for 1 week, just 1 week, push yourself until you physically (not mentally) cannot do anymore, to the point where every part of you is burning, and you think your chest is going to explode where you are gasping for air, where it takes you more than a couple of minutes to recover, and even then, when you stand up its a struggle, just 1 week, work so you leave a sweat angle on the floor, and you have to wring your underpants out because of the sweat, and see how your skill will improve, I dare you.
My goals for 2020.
Get quasar44 to knuckle down and push beyond just taking part.
Continue improving.
Get training done for 2021 jungle trek (was supposed to be Belize, but now confirmed as Guatamala, still a couple of spaces left @dvcochran and we finish with 2 days R&R on a Caribbean island).
getting quasar44 to knuckle down and push beyond just taking part.

That sounds like an awesome trip.
Our main school does a mission trip to Chiapas and Guatemala each year in March. You can check it out at It is quite a hike into Guatemala.

I have 4 and possibly 5 surgeries planned for this spring so not this year. I am still thinking I will be able to harvest hay on my own but do not know how realistic that is.
That sounds like an awesome trip.
Our main school does a mission trip to Chiapas and Guatemala each year in March. You can check it out at It is quite a hike into Guatemala.

I have 4 and possibly 5 surgeries planned for this spring so not this year. I am still thinking I will be able to harvest hay on my own but do not know how realistic that is.

Looks like the kids love it, must be a very rewarding experience for those teaching as well.
Don’t you do many kicks in karate ???
I don't teach Karate. I teach Nihon Goshin Aikido, at a Karate dojo. But they don't do a ton of kicking, either. They seem to focus a lot more on hand/arm strikes, from what I've seen when watching their yudansha classes.

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