Martial arts goals for 2020 ???

I haven't called you names, what on earth are you talking about? Really this is just ridiculous. On post 107 you jumped on me, trying to provoke me because of something I said to another poster. YOU attacked me remember, you made something said to someone else personal to you, you aren't being abused in the least. Stop showboating and playing the victim. Just stop, you are embarrassing yourself.
I read along through this thread until I felt justified to jump in. I wholeheartedly agree that the conversation between you and Buka got hijacked. You Were attacked in the 'media' sense of it (sounds stupid even saying that).They jumped in the middle of something they have no business in. It has came off Very childish and petty by the person who felt they had a reason to have an opinion. They did not. And furthermore, where they went with their remarks were strange and immature at best. For someone who claims to be educated in psychology, they certainly are not showing it. Eighth grade psychology maybe.
I have no clue or concern if you and Buka have a rub or not. I am certain you will work it out among yourselves. This is a perfect example of when discussion on a public forum should be left to the people involved.
My apologies to everyone involved.
I have no clue or concern if you and Buka have a rub or not

To be honest I don't think we have, I hope not.

It's really time to draw a line under this. I now have skribs on ignore, I consider that most expedient way to end this, it's tiresome for everyone to have a thread derailed like this, yes I hold my hand up, I continued it by replying but that's it done now.
I read along through this thread until I felt justified to jump in. I wholeheartedly agree that the conversation between you and Buka got hijacked. You Were attacked in the 'media' sense of it (sounds stupid even saying that).They jumped in the middle of something they have no business in. It has came off Very childish and petty by the person who felt they had a reason to have an opinion. They did not. And furthermore, where they went with their remarks were strange and immature at best. For someone who claims to be educated in psychology, they certainly are not showing it. Eighth grade psychology maybe.
I have no clue or concern if you and Buka have a rub or not. I am certain you will work it out among yourselves. This is a perfect example of when discussion on a public forum should be left to the people involved.
My apologies to everyone involved.

It's a public forum. If it's to be a private conversation, take it to private messages.
You should definitely practice what you preach.

I don't understand your complaint here. When I make a post, I make it knowing full well it's on a public forum and that anyone can read it and respond to it as if it's their business.

Anything you make public is everyone's business.
My apologies to anyone and everyone I might have offended, peesed off or otherwise upset. As for Tez and I having a rub, nah, just a couple of old fighters from across the pond talking trash.

And I'm sorry I dragged Skribs into it. He didn't deserve that, either.

In the vein of not being concerned; I meant that I have zero concerns that you guys will work it out.
Or don't; it is good comic relief most of the time. ;)
In the vein of not being concerned; I meant that I have zero concerns that you guys will work it out.
Or don't; it is good comic relief most of the time. ;)

Well in the big scheme of things, I really can't get worked up when someone says something on here, i answer back simply because I can, if you ever seen Downton Abbey ( see the film too it's good) then just imagine my words coming out of the Dowager Duchess' mouth if it helps. Much the same accent too I'm afraid, I was taught to talk 'proper'. I am always grounded by the fact that in the real world life is very real, and sometimes heartbreaking. I do Rainbows and Brownies ( Girls Guides) the lady I started my leadership with has retired but still helps but her grandaughter is now Brown Owl in Brownies, she had a baby boy on Christmas Eve, Christopher-Jaxom, we took the mick over her the Jaxom bit but he was such a wanted baby, a lovely little lad but sadly he died in his sleep last Monday. We are all devastated, last night we had to tell the Brownies( age 7-10) who had been expecting him to come back to meetings with Brown Owl in a couple of weeks.
The reason I'm writing this to remind some that actually what is written here is only t'internet (as they say in Yorkshire) and I really don't get worked up or try to upset others because I don't taken it seriously, I enjoy the craic, I enjoy learning new things but whatever you think you read into my posts it's not anger, or trying to get at someone, it's just t'internet and with no facial expressions or vocal tones to tell how it's meant often people mistake what is meant or misunderstand, sometimes they don't read things properly. or even just read things ( I sent an email to a Brownie parent with information about an outing, she emailed me to complain she hadn't been given any information, at the top of her email was the original message I'd sent, she's actually replied to it :rolleyes:)

Ah well time for bed. Take care everyone, if you have kids give them an extra hug and kiss.

Well in the big scheme of things, I really can't get worked up when someone says something on here, i answer back simply because I can, if you ever seen Downton Abbey ( see the film too it's good) then just imagine my words coming out of the Dowager Duchess' mouth if it helps. Much the same accent too I'm afraid, I was taught to talk 'proper'. I am always grounded by the fact that in the real world life is very real, and sometimes heartbreaking. I do Rainbows and Brownies ( Girls Guides) the lady I started my leadership with has retired but still helps but her grandaughter is now Brown Owl in Brownies, she had a baby boy on Christmas Eve, Christopher-Jaxom, we took the mick over her the Jaxom bit but he was such a wanted baby, a lovely little lad but sadly he died in his sleep last Monday. We are all devastated, last night we had to tell the Brownies( age 7-10) who had been expecting him to come back to meetings with Brown Owl in a couple of weeks.
The reason I'm writing this to remind some that actually what is written here is only t'internet (as they say in Yorkshire) and I really don't get worked up or try to upset others because I don't taken it seriously, I enjoy the craic, I enjoy learning new things but whatever you think you read into my posts it's not anger, or trying to get at someone, it's just t'internet and with no facial expressions or vocal tones to tell how it's meant often people mistake what is meant or misunderstand, sometimes they don't read things properly. or even just read things ( I sent an email to a Brownie parent with information about an outing, she emailed me to complain she hadn't been given any information, at the top of her email was the original message I'd sent, she's actually replied to it :rolleyes:)

Ah well time for bed. Take care everyone, if you have kids give them an extra hug and kiss.

View attachment 22682
So very sorry for your families loss. A wonderfully said post.
Don't get me started on brexit

I know, it seems to have brought out the very worst in so many people, I have never seen so much vitriol, bigotry and hatred spat out before. We've had increased anti Semitism, xenophobia, Islamophobia and the rise of the far right again so much so I am actually scared for our country, I hope things settle but worry it won't.
Some of things said on this thread did actually make me laugh, seriously, when you have death and other threats flying around, are told Hitler was right etc etc ( I am a political activist who left a political party because of such things said to me and others) the very small and inconsequential things said here were actually taken in the most light hearted way.
Perhaps in these days of uncertainty and unrest we should just do our best ( the Guiding and Scouting idea of course) to be decent adults in and out of the dojo/dojang/gym.

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