Martial arts goals for 2020 ???

Find my new home. (In the form of a dojo)

Same goal as last year! Am confident this year will be the one! ;)
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You seem to flit from class to class, not actually learning much because you have no application.

In this particular case I think it was that the school he was going to closed down.

That's not to discount all of his other complaints, or to suggest that he shouldn't find another school, but I don't think the fact he isn't going to this boxing class is his fault.
In this particular case I think it was that the school he was going to closed down.

That's not to discount all of his other complaints, or to suggest that he shouldn't find another school, but I don't think the fact he isn't going to this boxing class is his fault.

The only closed the boxing but they still have BJJ , MT and mma
I am progressing well in MMA because I get tons of class Reps and at night I practice them on an imaginary person for memory
We have done basic double and single legs and I have learned 2 rear body lock take downs and 3 from the side
In this particular case I think it was that the school he was going to closed down.

That's not to discount all of his other complaints, or to suggest that he shouldn't find another school, but I don't think the fact he isn't going to this boxing class is his fault.

Yes I know his boxing class is closing down, my comment is exactly as I said it, he flits from class to class without applying himself to any of them. it makes no difference whether his class is closing down or not, he wasn't applying himself in any of them, choosing class too advanced or because fancied doing them then complaining everything was too 'complex' for him to understand.
BJJ I never get the Reps
It’s like this is the Move and we will do it again in 4 months

Aren't you using them when you roll in class? Learning how to escape from techniques as well as put them on?
I have specific timelines for progress towards my 4th degree in TKD. I plan to get my black belt in HKD this November. However, my biggest goals are fitness related. I have specific milestones I'd like to be able to hit for pull-ups, push-ups, crunches, bicycle crunches, plank, wall sit, and a certain speed I'd like to hit on my HIIT running program. I don't know how many of those I will hit in 2020, but my goal is to hit them before I get my 4th dan next year.
No goals in strength and conditioning as I am only 155 pounds.

So a professional fighter who weighs 155 pounds doesn't do strength and conditioning? Facepalm

Or are you simply using the fact that you weigh 155 pounds as an excuse not to do strength and conditioning work?
My goal this year is to pass my 2nd degree brown belt on March or April then by december is to pass my 1st degree brown belt soon to be black belt

My 2nd goal is to be assistant instructor then instructor

Then 3rd good health
Just so you know. In kenpo instructor is 3rd degree black belt and assistant instructor is 1st degree
He doesn't like rolling

Why on earth does he train then? 10408521_647752785311087_4160338448163850973_n.webp
I never go to the open classes as its 90 min of rolling and I would be finished. lol

You have to know your limits

My lower back starts to go out after 3 rounds of rolling.
I like rolling for 15-20 min only.
Not 55 min as the class.

I think that is common sense to roll based on what your body can do.

You should be doing conditioning and fitness classes, a stronger core would help support your back for a start.
if that's all you can do because you won't get fit ( I saw your post about not needing to do conditioning because you weren't overweight) then you will never progress because you are basically stuck in a rut.

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