left wing movies

Ramirez, cheers for that. I don't think you can spend every waking minute of your life categorising everything into what's left and what's right wing especially when you can't do it correctly anyway.

Categorizing films like that looks to be a silly and pointless exercise, I don't recall going into the video store and seeing the left and right wing sections....what I want to know is if the movie is action, drama, comedy etc. and if it's worth spending money on.
Categorizing films like that looks to be a silly and pointless exercise, I don't recall going into the video store and seeing the left and right wing sections....what I want to know is if the movie is action, drama, comedy etc. and if it's worth spending money on.

I doubt the film makers care about what's left or right either, what is fixed in their minds is 'will this make money'. The film industry is after all a business where the idea is to make the film makers rich. All this 'leftie' stuff is getting suspiciously like a witch hunt, it used to be the Jews that were accused of runnng everything, now it seems it's the 'socialists'.
Sorry tez, money is not the primary directive for making movies. If it was you would have a lot more family movies and cartoons. An example, at bighollywood they did a story about the director who made "independence day" a big blockbuster. He refused to make a sequel because he said he didn't want to make a movie that would be helpful to george bush while he was in the white house. Also look at the war against Islamic terrorism. Can you name one, just one, movie, that portrays the fight against these cold blooded killers in any light other than 1) America is really the bad guy 2) our soldiers are either mentally damaged, drug users, rapists, or victims of a corrupt america? I can dig up about 10 without really trying.

Check out the articles at big hollywood. They discuss the politics over art and money phenomenon all the time. Also, it is not just politics over money, it is often appealing to their art house friends over money. If you look at the movies with the biggest box office reciepts, and you look at the movies with the oscar nominations, you will see that the biggest reciepts and the oscars do not match up. Check it out. It is pretty interesting.
One column from Bighollywood.com to show that hollywood does not always put money first.


Director Roland Emmerich at his London home.
“Independence Day” is one of the most profitable films in history — and after the original “Poseidon Adventure,” one of the greatest bad films ever — but there was no sure-fire, money-making blockbuster sequel because President Bush — The Abraham Lincoln of the Middle East — won the presidency:
“In Independence Day, it was about a king who leads his country into a fight against an outside invader. I didn’t want to make that movie during the Bush years. It was not thought that George W. Bush would have made a great king. Now with Obama, it’s another story.”
THree mile island was built by us, and you can see the difference. Chernobyl, built by socialists and it was a disaster, 3 mile island, built by capitalists, and it was a small accident, no deaths, no major problems. Big difference between the two accidents.

wikipedia:3 mile
The nuclear power industry claims that there were no deaths, injuries or adverse health effects from the accident,[13] and a report by Columbia University epidemiologist Maureen Hatch agrees with this finding.[14] Another study by Steven Wing of the University of North Carolina found that lung cancer and leukemia rates were 2 to 10 times higher downwind of TMI than upwind.[15] The Radiation and Public Health Project reported a spike in infant mortality in the downwind communities two years after the accident.[16][17]

chernobyl:On April 26, 1986, Reactor #4 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant near the town of Pripyat, Ukraine, exploded. The explosion took place at around one in the morning while the neighboring town of Pripyat slept. Two workers were killed instantly. Forty hours later, the residents of Pripyat were ordered to evacuate, and most never returned; By that time, many of the residents had suffered varying degrees of radiation poisoning.

Big difference between socialism and capitalism.
So Bill I take it you are a big fan of the People's Republic of China, because right now they have mastered capitalism so completely that the US is a debtor nation to them.
Look at the movies Hollywood was making around WWII and tell me that media then and now is not influential in the political realm. Most actors and directors have been more than clear about their political leanings. If you don't think that the use their films to convey their personal message you are kidding yourself.
Capitalism is one leg of a truly free country, you also need democracy and the rule of law. One out of three is a good start, and they are getting really good at it, but it doesn't make them a truly free country.
Remember, it is the politicians more sympathetic to a socialist vision of the world that are putting us into debt to China.
Remember, it is the politicians more sympathetic to a socialist vision of the world that are putting us into debt to China.

Socialists politicians? And the uber capitalists running the Fed and the Treasury recruited from Wall Street and the ones on Wall Street themselves have nothing to do with it? Goldman et al, make a deals with the Chinese in a second if there was profit in it. The capitalist oil companies can't move fast enough to sell off oil resources fast enough to them.

Check out who has been running the financial system in the US for the last 30 years, ultra right wing , Ayn Rand worshipping Greenspan and ex Goldman CEO Henry Paulson. They look like socialists to you?
More like corrupt politicians to me. Barney frank, Chris dodd, pelosi, Obama, they are the ones piling up the debt, and they love big government.
yeah, he is hardly a conservative on economic issues, even if he did lower taxes. He was good fighting the terrorists though.
I don't know, but finding him is one of Obama's biggest priorities. Wait, let me get the kleenex, the tears of laughter need to be wiped away.
another column on liberal vs. conservatives and hapiness, going back to the movie American beauty


I was looking over Prager's past columns and this one sprang out because of the movie list.

The unhappy gravitate toward the left for a second reason. Life is hard for liberals, and life is hard for conservatives. But conservatives assume that life will always be hard. Liberals, on the other hand, have utopian dreams. At his brother Robert's funeral, the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy recalled his brother saying: "Some men see things as they are and say 'why?' I dream things that never were and say 'why not?'"
Utopians will always be less happy than those who know that suffering is inherent to human existence. The utopian compares America to utopia and finds it terribly wanting. The conservative compares America to the every other civilization that has ever existed and walks around wondering how he got so lucky to be born or naturalized an American.

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