From the Brooks guy where he discusses conservative vs. liberal hapiness. An article from the New York times:
What the actual data on self-assessed happiness show, however, is that conservatives have a substantial happiness edge, at least by the time they grow up.
For three decades, the
General Social Survey has asked a nationwide sample of adults, “Taken all together, how happy would you say you are these days? Would you say that you are very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy?” Here is a representative sample of the results:
• In 2004, 44 percent of respondents who said they were “conservative” or “very conservative” said they were “very happy,” versus just 25 percent of people who called themselves “liberal” or “very liberal.” (Note that this comparison uses unweighted data — when the data are weighted, the gap is 46 percent to 28 percent.)
You can see the rest of the article at the link, so yes, I think liberals are less happy and tend more toward lashing out.
If you are conservative, you tend, although not absolutely, to be religous, believing in a god with an afterlife. There is some expectation that if you do right, and help people, even if the people around you do not notice, God knows. From this you will in the least, not be punished in the here after for hurting other people. That is a somewhat comforting thought. Liberals, tend, although not absolutely, are less devout leaning toward non-religous. What happens on earth stays on earth. If you get a raw deal, you are stuck. Nothing in the here after, so you get nothing in the here after. It might make you a little grouchy. Also, if God isn't important, the fact that he may be watching how you treat other people won't mean anything to you. That is why petty to great acts of violence are more likely coming from the left, especially the atheist left, socialists of the nazi, fascist or communist leanings are perfect examples of this.