Hollywood propaganda, for the wrong side

Great. But that still doesn't explain why hollywood cannot show radical muslim terrorists as the actual bad guys they are, and our guys for the good guys they are.

24 (season 2)
True Lies
The Siege (sorta)
Several different iterations of Law and Order
The Hurt Locker
The most recent episode of Castle

And that's just off the top of my head and 11:30 at night.

Seems they're pretty good at doing exactly that. I'm not saying they don't also portray our
guys as screwing up - but let's not use too broad a brush here. Different directors paint different pictures, based on the story they're trying to tell.
i dont engage in moral realativism, it is a false way of thinking.

you simply can not compare a people that think flying a plane full of civilians into a building is ok to a people that bend over backwards to avoid colateral dammages.

they are BAD people and we are not.

is really is that simple, efforts to make it more complicated are a waste of time.

until the united states starts strapping bombs to retarded people and sending them into the market to remote detonate, we are BETTER than the radical islamics are

Why is that a wrong way to think?

Strapping bombs to people is BAD.
Flying ariplanes into a building is BAD
OVerthrowing a sovereign government for your own profit and causing thousands of deaths is BAD
Abducting people and torturing them (or having them tortured if we are nitpicky) even though a number of them are innocent is BAD
Invading a country based on LIES is BAD

The first 2 are about terrorists.
The latter 3 are about US actions.

Could you please explain how doing bad things make you a good person?
OVerthrowing a sovereign government for your own profit and causing thousands of deaths is BAD
Abducting people and torturing them (or having them tortured if we are nitpicky) even though a number of them are innocent is BAD
Invading a country based on LIES is BAD

The first 2 are about terrorists.
The latter 3 are about US actions.

Could you please explain how doing bad things make you a good person?

overthrowing a government that used wmd's against it's own people and threatened to use them against everyone else isnt always bad, and might just be a good idea

lots of people were questioned, only 3 ever waterboarded, so stop tell that lie as is we "tortured" 100's cuz it just inst true

invading a country based on information that the ENTIRE FRIGGIN WORLD BELIEVED and that Saddam himself stated??


get some new lines, those are old, and clearly not true, in ANY way shape or form.
The rest of the world did NOT believe saddam had WMD.
We demanded proof, remember? The freedom fries silliness?
Remember that the US did not want to show us what they had?

Remember how no WMD turned up so far?
Noone outside the US believed there were WMD. The Inspectors said there were none.
The only reason the UK went along was because Tony blair always bent over for Bush.

Then we get to the overthrowing of a democratically elected government in Iran because they were too friendly with the soviets. That was what it was all about.

About the torture: you conveniently forget to mention the people who were shipped off to syria and egypt for processing.
The only reason the UK went along was because Tony blair always bent over for Bush.

americans give more to charity than any other people
america always sends food, money, troops, whatever is needed

these are historical facts

Yes, and they complain they never get any aide when they turn it away because the giver isn't to their standard...

Americans are not alone giving aide. Never were. But they are sure most vocal about it...
To TF and Bruno

a) Bruno's right about world opinion. US and Britain were the only members of the UN security council who believed the current program of inspections wasn't sufficient.
b) It's clear Hussein had WMDs - he used them (gas weapons) on his own citizens during the 80s and 90s. It's less clear whether or not he had them when we invaded.
c) It's unfair to say the Iraq invasion was purely for profit - the removal of Hussein was probably a good thing - but the amount of money Bush and Cheney have made personally from security contracts and reconstruction does give pause.
d) The USA does routinely outsource our torture in a process called "rendition" where we turn over captives to countries where torture is legal. This is documented fact.
e) On the other hand, the top two contributors to the tsunami relief efforts a few years back were 1) the US government and 2) private US citizens.

Like everybody else, we have our good points and bad points. As compared to Uganda and Iran, we look pretty good. As compared to, say, New Zealand or Iceland, we're a bunch of schoolyard thugs.
there has NEVER been even a single iota of evidence that ethier Bush or Cheney profitted from the war, and anyone saying different is misguided, ill-informed or extreemly paranoid

we save everyone's butts, and then they ***** about us doing it.

prime example 1991

saddam is heading for saudi, and they SCREAM for help, we help, then they ***** about the way we helped....
there has NEVER been even a single iota of evidence that ethier Bush or Cheney profitted from the war, and anyone saying different is misguided, ill-informed or extreemly paranoid

I may actually be "extreemly paranoid," but at least I can spell my affliction correctly. :)

Actually, the links between Cheney and Halliburton, and between Bush and US oil interests are well-documented. I don't personally believe they went to war because of potential profits from the war and the rebuilding - but they and people close to them have benefited from decisions they made.
Everybody uses haliburton. The episode of Castle had the bad guys as former american special forces guys who were going to make it look like to innocent Pakistani americans were the bombers. the U.S. special forces were doing it to create more concern for our troops or something silly like that. The focus of the siege was less about real terrorism and more about our reaction to it and I haven't seen unthinkable, it is also about wether or not torture is justified. I didn't see munich but Speilberg lost some respect from the jewish community because of the way he portrayed the israelis and the terrorists. Also, though True Lies was a hit, Cameron said he wouldn't make another movie like it. Remember, true lies was before 9/11. Athens, never heard of it, and 24, yeah, finally.
I must be bored out of my gourd that I even keep opening billi's posts....
Heck, TVLand is like World Premiers compared to his....posts.....

Hint for the disgruntled:
If you don't like it, write your own script, make your own movie.

(however, if you make the world too black and white you and up with bad not even B material)

But then again, not even his thoughts are his own. :rolleyes:
It is confirmed now that the radical muslim terrorist who murdered our air force members in germany did watch the clip from Redacted in a four minute propaganda movie.


I hope Depalma is proud that his work served for this inspiration.

According to the German wire service dapd, the German Attorney General’s Office has confirmed that the video clip viewed by the Frankfurt Airport shooter Arid Uka — and that allegedly provoked him to kill American soldiers — was indeed the rape scene from Brian De Palma’s fictional anti-Iraq War movie Redacted. Attorney General spokesperson Frank Wallenta confirmed the identity of the clip to the German television news magazine Spiegel TV.
Uka viewed the De Palma clip as part of a four-and-a-half minute propaganda video that was posted on a German-language YouTube page under the title “American Soldiers Rape our Sisters! Awake Oh Ummah.” The video was removed from YouTube shortly after the publication of a Pajamas Media report noting its existence and linking it. It can currently be viewed on The Daily Caller here.
So by your logic, any scene in any movie that might make Americans look bad should not be filmed? It's gonig to make for a lot of really boring movies, real quick.

And Spielberg did not lose respect from the Jewish community because of the way the events were portrayed, but because the move was not very good. Israeli movies are far more critical on Israeli actions than Munich ever was, but their directors don't lose the respect of the Jewish community. What the heck is the 'Jewish community' anyway?
It is confirmed now that the radical muslim terrorist who murdered our air force members in germany did watch the clip from Redacted in a four minute propaganda movie.


I hope Depalma is proud that his work served for this inspiration.

Of course, Depalma has covered this topic before, only it was Vietnam, and Michael J. Fox and Sean Penn in Casualties of War, but in the instance of Redacted, he himself was inspired by real, documented events in Iraq, involving 5 U.S. Army soldiers, who gang-raped a fourteen year old girl and murdered her and her entire family.

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