Hollywood propaganda, for the wrong side

I just started checkin out this thread today. I never saw Redacted but hope to.

Occasionally, there will be parties or gatherings of friends. Sometimes at these parties, my family and friends will be there along with my friends who were with me in Iraq. I hate these parties. My squad-mates are very outspoken about telling stories of the war. The stories are always truly awful. The war warped our minds to a new type of reasoning. As soon as they start, I always go over and try to silence them. Nudge their elbow. Cover their mouth. etc It's 'cause I am embarrassed. It's not as bad as Redacted, but definitely nothing to be proud of. I feel I conducted myself professionally while I was there, but some of my brothers did not.

I'm not so sure DePalma's mouth should be covered just because we are embarrassed.
Relativism effects us all it seems. Free speach is a sacred right in the US unless someone speaks something you disagree with, then that person is a traitor. Rapist and murderers are animals that deserved thier conviction. Unless that 14 year old girl and her family were Americans living in say Texas, instead of Iraqis in a war zone. Then those soldiers' sentence would seem a bit light. Torture is dispicable, unless it is used by "the good guys" then it is an ugly tool that must be used. Actions that result in the death of innocents are terrible, terrible, things that should emote nothing but feelings of disgust, unless those actions are performed by "the good guys." Then those resulting deaths are just unfortunate side effects.

Until more people wake the hell up, edecate themselves, and actively oppose any actions, by any country, agency, or personel that aren't moral then we will be forever caught in the loop of hatred and violence. It is correct to look upon the murders committed by Islamic radicials with disgust. Murder is a disgusting act. However, if you look upon the murder and rape of an Iraqi girl and her family with any less disgust or revulsion than you do those actions of your enemy, then you should really examine why. In the Quran it says that the murder of an innocent is the same in severety as the genocide of the entire human race. Interesting sentiment since this is the book many of you blame as the source of the radicals you hate so much. See how ironic it is?
From what I have heard, and you can clarify, by innocent they mean an innocent who is actually a muslim, and that that does not apply to non-muslims. To those familiar with the koran, is this accurate.
Also, no one is ignoring the rape and murder by those american soldiers. They were caught and punished I believe before major attention was put on what they did. The point of this post was to point out that for this conflict, 95 percent of the movies made about the confilct shows our soldiers in the worst light possible. That is not fair to these men and women. It also shows the absolute worst face possible to the world, and an inaccurate one at that. Right now, American military personel are on the way to help the survivors of the Japanese earth quake. What kind of movie would Mr. Depalma make about that?

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