left wing movies

10-Dead man walking

A movie that gives scant attention to the murder of two innocent teenagers by two brutal killers, and then wants us to feel sorry for the killer.(my comment, now to Mr. Nolte's)


"By approaching the issue through a Christian point of view and not in any way giving those who disagree the excuse that the film isnÂ’t objective, in my opinion, Robbins more than earns the right to ask whether or not itÂ’s moral for the State to take a manÂ’s life. And the message he respectfully sends to we Christians goes well beyond the simplistic bumper stickerism of What Would Jesus Do? The film simply asks a complicated question that lingers long after the film ends: Is it Christian to intervene and cut short the life of a man who, if given the time and ministry, might someday repent and save his own soul?"

"Personally, I believe in the death penalty but IÂ’d be lying if I said that, as a Christian, RobbinsÂ’ film didnÂ’t create an ongoing conflict with that belief. Part of me wants to oppose cutting short a manÂ’s opportunity to repent and save his soul. But a bigger part reads about these crimes and wants to pull the switch myself. And quite frankly, despite the other sideÂ’s insistence to the contrary, I find the idea that execution is not a deterrent absurd"

Well, it wasn't a feel good movie... that's for sure.
So if it gave somebody pointers to think, I think it is not a bad thing, in ever which way the train of thought meanders.
That above statement by John Nolte is why he is my favorite movie critic. He, more than others is a fair critic, and shows that even if a movie is a wacky lib fest, he can still appreciate it as a great work of art.
It would follow that conservatives are happier than liberals. The definition of conservative means satisfied with and supportive of the status quo. If you'r not, you have more reasons to be unhappy. It's almost a tautology.
I only watch films with loads of fighting in, no life lessons, chick flicks, soppy romances or real life stories, just fights. :ultracool
The first "My dinner with Andre," was a dynamic kung fu movie with state of the art wire work and awsome special effects. You should look it up before you rent it though.
The first "My dinner with Andre," was a dynamic kung fu movie with state of the art wire work and awsome special effects. You should look it up before you rent it though.

I like proper fights lol. Wire is fun but not real. Someone I know made a film a couple of years ago it's called Sucker Punch, my instructor is in it as well. Ian is a UFC veteran. I've seen him fight legit and not so much legit lol.


Rise of the Foot soldier is good, there's another guy I know in it, Dave Legano MMA fighter.

These are proper films btw.
I like proper fights lol. Wire is fun but not real.

What I hate in action/fighting movies that is so common now is the shaky cam style combined with really up close quick cuts. Makes it impossible to see a damn thing or appreciate the fighting. Which probably sucks anyway, explaining the style. :)

Look Hollywood, shaky cam was pretty damn awesome in Saving Private Ryan, and really added something. It doesn't have to be in Every. Single. Damned. Movie. since then however. Let us see what is going on!

The last couple Bourne movies were unwatchable for this reason, which is too bad because Matt Damon's fighting work looked damn impressive (from what I saw).

I really like some of the old martial arts movies because they use continuous takes from a distance you can appreciate. That takes real skill!


For my money, nothing exposes the left for the anti-capitalist, anti-progress socialists they really are more than their opposition to nuclear power. Here’s an energy source that overcomes all their objections regarding safe, clean, and renewable and still they vehemently oppose it with the worst kind of hysterical scare tactics. In this respect you can’t even label them “European Socialists” because there are nearly 200 nuclear power plants currently powering Europe, over 50 in France alone, and yet here in America — thanks mainly to environmental fear-mongering — we only have a little over a hundred.

the dumbest way I know of to try and kill someone is by running them off a rural road where chances are more likely than not they will survive. But of course these are the same conspirators supposedly reckless and stupid enough to try and kill Silkwood by poisoning her with plutonium — as though death by radiation of one of their own employees wouldn’t bring all kinds of unwanted attention and scrutiny down on the company.
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You do realize that nuclear fuel is not a renewable energy source, right?

And it is far from clean, what do you do with the waste?

It is not entirely safe either. Accidents happen.

And before you rant, I'm a proponent of nuclear energy, just be aware that it too has consequences.
8--Norma Rae


Why it’s a left-wing film
Set in the Deep South, director Martin Ritt’s “Norma Rae” is yet another Hollywood entry that gushes over the selfless virtues of Big Labor and demonizes both the corporation and the individuals who would prefer not to be forced into the Borg Collective. White collar management is naturally made up of bullies who tap phones and work an old man literally to death and the “exploited workers” themselves who oppose being community-organized are motivated primarily by racial bigotry and the ignorant belief that unions are nothing more than a New York, communist conspiracy run by the Jooooozzzz…
Canuck, I understand everything you pointed out. It is just funny that the most efficient, and safe source of energy is blocked by the environmental movement.
Canuck, I understand everything you pointed out. It is just funny that the most efficient, and safe source of energy is blocked by the environmental movement.

The people of Chernobyl sit and think that every day.
The russian socialists built Chernobyl, that is why is melted down.
The russian socialists built Chernobyl, that is why is melted down.
The Soviet Communists built it and it's not like America and the UK has never had problems with nuclear reactors. Funnily enought eh Soviets were quite good at some things, one's political beliefs don't always inpinge on every aspect of life.

Ramirez, cheers for that. I don't think you can spend every waking minute of your life categorising everything into what's left and what's right wing especially when you can't do it correctly anyway.

I'm waiting, as this is a martial arts site, for the posts that designate what martial art you do by political belief.....and Bill I'm joking here.!

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