I mean everything I say.
We cannot engage with someone who is writing in such a manner as to make his meaning unintelligible.
Case in point, this doesn't make sense at all. Egoic means referring to the ego not an inflated who though I think yours is on hyperdrive at the moment, I'm not sure what social status and position you think we have, you don't know us. Pride? Nope I don't see any of that. What I do see is someone who is getting frustrated because others aren't accepting that he knows better than anyone here.
Grovelling is spelt this way, 'somesuch'?
Every discussion of martial arts or any topic is borderline rehearsed. How is there any engagement with what is said? Are you serious? It's the same tropes repeated over and over again, or braindead copy pasting that has no relevance to the central point of what is being talked about. There is about nil intellectual ENGAGEMENT. ENGAGEMENT IS THE WORD. Just random copy pasting and regurgitations that missed what I was actually saying and HOW IT RELATES TO THE TOPIC OF LACK OF SERIOUS MARTIAL ARTISTS.
Look at this:
I'm guessing you didn't read through that article and the cited research within, since they do reference causes and (I believe, if the study I'm thinking of was referenced) adaptability. Again, all of it has been studied and proven.
They REFERENCE Adaptability and Causes.
This means that the words were used and you, Monkey Turned Wolf, did not care to understand what the hell the context in the literature was. What a lazy response. They talk about the functional role of some brain morphology and you think that connects to what is being discussed but it doesn't.
What an unserious response with all the dressings of one. haha! Not one person here appears to be serious about brain morphology nor martial arts nor guiding others!
The planning required in martial arts is not difficult in the least if we're talking a controlled environment like a dojo where you just obey the damn instructor and show up each day or week. Why does anyone need to plan for that? There is no risk involved. Injury is not death. Serious injury is not likely at all. Serious injury does not prevent one from working, studying, thinking, interacting with others. The ones most at risk are those that use their body to work. The ones that don't use their brain for subsistence basically are at risk of poor decision-making.
At the same time I see very little knowledge of injury prevention and receptivity to training that may reduce injury on this site. Kneesovertoesguy, bulletproof your knees, fix your joint pain, develop mobility and strength in stretch; NOPE! Not much interest.
This suggests an irony: People here ARE NOT SERIOUS about MA, and NOT SERIOUS about this topic. They talk about being guides and pin shortcomings on students or the lack of seriousness but THEY are the problem. You can put me in the same lot as the rest of you if you want!
All that I am asking is to connect MARTIAL ARTS to what is important for the development of the person. How could you have recognized this you may wonder? You could have seen the thread title then read me asking and positing how martial arts is important to teenagers and how current dojos or gyms DON'T motivate teenagers or ANYONE AT ANY AGE over and over again.
The topic should be about WHAT MAKES SOMEONE SERIOUS ABOUT MARTIAL ARTISTS and whether any of you are even serious about MA.
The developmental stage can inflect what is important to one. That's why I engaged with that topic when it was brought up. But the reason teenagers or anyone drops martial arts isn't brain morphology. Brain morphology isn't the big ticket that'll explain how or why people are interested in martial arts or why they show up then just leave.
One group of MA wants to draw blood, street fight, et cetera. Another group just wants to learn self-defense and how to protect people. Another wants to fight in matches and tournaments.
You only have a PASSION for MA if you LIKE TO FIGHT though. If you have a passion for MA it must be because you love fighting and conquering your enemies. There is no exception. It is brutal, barbaric and primitive. No one believes otherwise. If you do MA for another reason you just won't become very good, and you really have no passion for it. Maybe protecting others drives you to a degree but those with passion always find great thrill in fighting. Soldiers have limited use for MA and will not invest everything into it. Their seriousness or passion is outside the scope of MA, it is merely a part of their toolkit.
If MA is just something you use and developed as part of your life or part of your true passion (soldier) you are not passionate about MA it is just a hobby or tool to you.
People like Mike Tyson get quite a thrill out of fighting. He loves it. He's passionate for destroying his enemy. For conquering. For testing his strength against another. You might say otherwise but you'd be wrong. You'd be wrong about those passionate about MA: Every single one wants to fight, test their strength, test their meddle, defeat their opponent, be the victor, gain the spoil. Or they're hobbyists.