Collage scholarship for martial artist

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sifu Adams

I have just be told that the North American Federation of Martial arts is going to give a Collage Scholarship away at there 2006 national Tournament. what dose everyone think.

I think is a good Idea. So many martial artist train hard only to watch there freinds get scholarships in football, baseball, soccer, trak, ect... why not have a program for martial artist. What dose everyone think and anyone think they will try for it?

I would but my collage days have come and gone, gone, gone. But I did get my degree.
I believe this is a great ideal we should be doing more to help put kids in college.
Wile improving our body's muscles, we can not forget about the most powerful one...The brain.

This kinda makes me wanna sign up for it. i am starting collage next school year, and if I won, it would help a lot.
sifu Adams said:
I have just be told that the North American Federation of Martial arts is going to give a Collage Scholarship away at there 2006 national Tournament. what dose everyone think.

I think is a good Idea. So many martial artist train hard only to watch there freinds get scholarships in football, baseball, soccer, trak, ect... why not have a program for martial artist. What dose everyone think and anyone think they will try for it?

I would but my collage days have come and gone, gone, gone. But I did get my degree.
That's a great idea! I'd even chip in if one were ever established.
they have it put together and they are looking for people to help with sponcerships. You can learn more about it at
This is a wonderful idea. You are right, young people in martial arts seem to get the short shrift in scholarships or even grants even though they may join at 5 yrs. old and go all the way to 18. I know our newspaper never has a story on the tournaments, just the occasional story on individual martial artists--I think I've seen four stories in my twelve years. So I hope this gets publicized to the martial artists so that they know it exists. TW
Well, if everyone here is so committed to helping struggling martial artists through college, send me an email and I'll tell you where you can send me the check...
I think that is a great idea!! Many scholarships are for people in football, basketball, softball, cheerleading, swimming and so on. Why not have one for MA's?? We train just as hard as they do too! It is about time we were thought of!
do they give it in unversity? the degree for karate but if they do ill be so happy. just 3 more years and i can get to cllege or unversity
I think giving a young martial artist a chance a coolege it a great idea and if you could get multiple scholarships won before you have to start college let them stack up and be like the free rides that are given for football and other sports.I'm a supporter of this Idea,because i never had a chance at college and i now regret it