Koga ryu in japan?


Yellow Belt
Jul 29, 2006
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The caribbean
As i was reading some info on the dojo magazine september 06(here it's in spanish and comes from spain) there's this man who claims to be a 21st soke of the "BAN" family, one of the 53 original families from the koka(koga) region in japan. He said that he is the only soke of ninjutsu in the world and that he belongs to the japan ninja keykyokai assosiation. His name is jinichi kawakami "Sonshi". He also claims that his ancestors eliminated oda nobunaga and wrote the bansenshukai. Ban family like ban-senshukai and his warrior name is sonshi like one of it's volumes. He said that noone can use the name ninjutsu but him and that some instructors have to changed their arts name because of some prohibition in japan. In the article(interview by juan hombre) he shows his hands and all his knucles seem broken. He said that he killed a tiger with his hands. It's all this true? Anyone?
Let's just say that Juan Hombre should have one of those labels on his forehead, "Warning: this product may contain nuts"
As i was reading some info on the dojo magazine september 06(here it's in spanish and comes from spain) there's this man who claims to be a 21st soke of the "BAN" family, one of the 53 original families from the koka(koga) region in japan. He said that he is the only soke of ninjutsu in the world and that he belongs to the japan ninja keykyokai assosiation. His name is jinichi kawakami "Sonshi". He also claims that his ancestors eliminated oda nobunaga and wrote the bansenshukai. Ban family like ban-senshukai and his warrior name is sonshi like one of it's volumes. He said that noone can use the name ninjutsu but him and that some instructors have to changed their arts name because of some prohibition in japan. In the article(interview by juan hombre) he shows his hands and all his knucles seem broken. He said that he killed a tiger with his hands. It's all this true? Anyone?

LOL! That story makes me giggle.
A few years ago this guy Juan Hombre was trying to say that he had a ninjutsu teacher in Japan and even showed pictures. It turns out that the guy he had the pictures with was the owner of a ninja theme park and not a teacher of ninjutsu.

This guy Kawakami is not well known in Japan, but not for lack of trying. His claims of killing a tiger with his bare hands and being the head of a tradition of ninjutsu are kind of the least exciting of his claims- all of which have nothing to back them up and fly in the face of reality. Everyone legitimate keeps this nut case at arms length. He is not taken seriously by anyone except the types that accept the idea that the US goverment is controlled by aliens. You can think of a few guys in America that make strange claims and seem nuts, do you think Japan is any different?
Wow! Thanks for clarifying this confusion in my head. There most be many people reading such article. I did some research on this Juan Hombre and boy if he nuts and his instructor!... is lost...How can they write such articles in magazines. yes there's a theme park with pink, yellow, orange and neon ninjas!!! I bet that this instructor is one of those that walks on lakes with the mitsugumu and claims to know some super secret ninja technique that noone knows but him... Thanks again :)
Who know, maybe he did kill a tiger with his hands. I have killed a Bear with my hands... I just happen to have been holding a Marlin .444 in them at the time. LOL Wow this guy really is an Almond Joy isn't he, because "sometimes you feel like a nut".
The US government isn't controlled by aliens?
OK. Now I'm depressed.... :(

I had such high hopes for our future technological advancement.
The US government isn't controlled by aliens?
OK. Now I'm depressed.... :(

I think I should clarify. I am not saying that he claims the goverment is controlled by aliens. I am saying that the type of people that seem to take what he says seriously are the types that believe that type of thing.

I mean, killing a tiger with your bare hands..... I would demand some sort of proof. But there are otaku in Japan that make the worst geeks in America look normal.
I'd demand proof too. I can't even kill a Peep (evil marshmallow chickadee) with my bare hands!! Perhaps next Easter I'll have to become more dastardly........ That is one bizarre story...

If you would be so kind, would you share some of the examples of the Otaku you're talking about? I've seen some pretty geeky people before, especially that one in the mirror that refuses to leave me alone, so I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around more bizarre than that! :)
Yes, Jinichi Kawakami is real and he is the head of the Koka Ban Family. He and his top student, Yasushi Kiyomoto, carry on Koka and Iga Ninjutsu. The training in Japan is amazing. To date most of the information about them has been in Japanese only. Obviously, if you don't speak or read Japanese you would not have access to this information.........and even if you do understand Japanese you would have to know where to look to find it. The Iga Ueno-Ninjutsu museum and groups of Japanese historians (Ninjutsu study groups) from the history-rich Ninjutsu towns of Koka and Iga back up this claim. Yasushi Kiyomoto teaches in Sagamihara-shi, Japan. See the English website for more information:

Worked for me. Maybe they have secret powers over the internet as well and are blocking non-believers... oh wait that can't be true, I got on. Well not even a guess then why it didn't work for you guys :idunno:.
My bad, I was trying a beta of the new Firefox :bs: filter. I turned it off and the site loaded... :idunno:
My bad, I was trying a beta of the new Firefox :bs: filter. I turned it off and the site loaded... :idunno:

:lfao: Love the reason. :lfao:

If that filter were standard, half the web would suddenly find themselves with zero hits.
Actually these claims do have substantial backing and I'm sorry they are not just "sounds in the wind." As I stated before they are backed by Japanese historians, the Iga-Ueno Ninjutsu museum, and also the government. It is also well-known among Japanese martial arts Sensei's here that if you want to train in Ninjutsu(authentic/real) there are only two people to go to............Jinichi Kawakami and Yasushi Kiyomoto. Most recently they were featured in "ANA's" magazine "Wingspan." For those of you that don't know "ANA" stands for "All Nippon Airways" and is a major Japanese airline company. "Wingspan" is a magazine given out on each flight in Japan. Quoting from the magazine, "from youth he dedicated himself to ninja ways, with a meatless diet and intense physical training." "Kawakami is deemed 21st head of the Ban family of the Koka ninja school." "True ninja passed their final secrets to but one individual. Even in ninja families, only one son inherited the full ninja mantle (referring to Kawakami)." This is published in English. It is the September, 2007 issue of Wingspan for ANA. There are several publications mentionining Jinichi Kawakami and Yasushi Kiyomoto. Most are in Japanese. I have trained under Kiyomoto-Sensei for over a year now.........about 99% of the time it's been one-on-one. He has trained in Ninjutsu for practicly his whole life. His body is hardened from training and he can move in ways that most people can't. I trained with quite a few well-respected martial artists in America from various disciplines........nothing has come close to what I have seen in Japan. Kiyomoto-Sensei is well-versed in the military arts and definitely knows his stuff. The class can be extremely rough............you will get hit, you will get bruises, and yes, you might bleed but you will also learn things that you can't learn anywhere else on earth.
Thats funny, cuz students in Japan who speak and read fluently like our Absent friend Don Roley worked very hard to verify information about the existence and validity of these groups, only to hit falsehoods, lies and dead ends. So I'm sorry to say hiding behind the "Well you wouldnt know about it because its all in Japanese" defense, is

I don't need to prove anything. This is well-known in Japan. Only recently has some of it been made public so that the rest of the world can know about it. Maybe your "Japanese literate" friend doesn't know where to look or who to talk to.