An appeal for other traditional ninja styles

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Technopunk said:
THAT is why *I* went to the mods and appealed to have the forum split into "Traditional" and "Modern". You can all blame ME for that. I was TRYING to bring the forum back on track and go back to discussing Budo, not having a P*ssing match over the arts....I failed.
Yep, your nose got longer too (*I*?). See what happens to your nose when you don't tell the truth. But, its good either way, regardless of who is responsible for the change. Now all we have to do is figure out how the reverse happened. Everyone is over in "those not accepted in Traditional" having fun educating some guy named sojobow - poor fellow. What happened? Maybe we need a third catagory - Those only Interested in the Spirit, Mind and Body. So far, there have been at least 4 Ryu in Japan named to go investigate. Any success?
sojobow said:
Now all we have to do is figure out how the reverse happened. Everyone is over in "those not accepted in Traditional" having fun educating some guy named sojobow - poor fellow.

Maybe if you stopped trying to rewrite history and give some sources people would treat you with more respect. But as long as you continue to act like an expert and insult others (i.e. you comment about Technopunk supposably lying, etc) you will be continued to be the subject of a lot of laughter. The way you are treated is your fault and your fault only.

As for the idea of running down some schools in Japan, as soon as I get some leads I will search them out. But someone saying that their teacher trained with someone in Japan is not enough to go on in itself and people like Frank Dux and Ashida Kim just do not seem willing to give any proof to their claims.
Don Roley said:
Maybe if you stopped trying to rewrite history and give some sources people would treat you with more respect. But as long as you continue to act like an expert and insult others (i.e. you comment about Technopunk supposably lying, etc) you will be continued to be the subject of a lot of laughter. The way you are treated is your fault and your fault only.
a) History should be written before one can be accused of re-writing that history. I have been shown no other history thus far. As you well know, anyone postulating a historical theory will be subject to much abuse by those without enough courage to state their own. This is the reason why your History of Koga is under so much scrutiny and is subject to so much discord. I bow to you for your efforts and share your empathy. I don't agree with it's evident bias but few have even given it a try as it takes courage;

b) Regarding my "sources," I honestly haven't been asked for my sources by anyone asking in a serious and honest manner. So far, those asking have been asking in hope of covering the fact that they don't know very much and were exposed. Most of what I propose are only my own thoughts and are in the form of questions. What motive would one have in asking me for sources for a question asked? What motive would one have for asking me for a source when it is evident that the subject artifact must lie in a museum? What is the motive in asking me for a source when the answer is "common sense" if not because the hope is to discredit the source since the maker could not be discredited?

As for the idea of running down some schools in Japan, as soon as I get some leads I will search them out. But someone saying that their teacher trained with someone in Japan is not enough to go on in itself and people like Frank Dux and Ashida Kim just do not seem willing to give any proof to their claims.
Excuse my English:

a) The absense of willingness to give you any proof does not translate into a hypothesis that the proof does not exist. It only can be inferred that those asking may have transgressed on the fringes of warriorship of the person being asked. If one comes with a bowed head and a pure spirit, they would be given the universe. Try using honey to catch the Bear as the Bear's first inclination is to kill. Personally, it may be too late as your spirit of contempt has transversed continents but you never know what will heaped upon you when you come with a bowed head;

b) I agree that you may initially feel that you don't have enough to go on. However, just go with what you have and see where it leads. I came here with just a theory on a single page. I now have hundreds of pages given to me inadvertently because "people laughed." They laughed, I looked deeper and found avenues I had no idea existed. Just take the four Ryu suggested and see where they lead. Never know, the people training in parks have a wealth of knowledge;

c) I may have been somewhat unfair to technopunk and for that, I bow. But the young man seems to want so badly to be accepted by you and a few others that he sometimes ventures into areas of discussion in which he has little knowledge. As he matures, he may change. Just call it youthfull exuberance. He seems to want to be the next Don Roley. Only a Master can critique another Master. Us grunts should be seen and not heard.

d) Start also by discontinuing the display of names in such a constant, antagonistic manner. I'd venture to say that the overwhelming number of your post contain the same names regardless of the subject.

good luck in your search.
sojobow said:
Regarding my "sources," I honestly haven't been asked for my sources by anyone asking in a serious and honest manner.

Translation, if you do not like the tone of the person asking you to back up your claims you will not answer. If they dare ask you for proof, then you think that they are not asking "In a serious and honest manner" and will ignore their requests because their tone is not to your liking.
sojobow said:
Yep, your nose got longer too (*I*?). See what happens to your nose when you don't tell the truth. But, its good either way, regardless of who is responsible for the change. Now all we have to do is figure out how the reverse happened.

Thanks dude. You just proved your only intent on this Board is to be a Troll.

Anyone who Doubts I was the one who asked for this change can contact Sieg or Bob...

And Sojobow, YOU are the last person to talk about being a "Liar"... lets just look back at your post where you said you were closing your account. Guess it didnt happen, Ergo, you are at best dishonest person, but i vote for 11 year old playing troll on Mommy's PC...

Oh Yeah. DUX.
Technopunk said:
Thanks dude. You just proved your only intent on this Board is to be a Troll. ......Anyone who Doubts I was the one who asked for this change can contact Sieg or Bob...
Well, the owner did "In Reply to sojobow" say that he had been thinking of making the change for quite a while. Then, he did it. If you want credit, be my guest. I'm just glad it was done.

And Sojobow, YOU are the last person to talk about being a "Liar"... lets just look back at your post where you said you were closing your account. Guess it didnt happen, Ergo, you are at best dishonest person, but i vote for 11 year old playing troll on Mommy's PC...Oh Yeah. DUX.
I'll take you up on that one. As you say "lets just look back at your [sojobow's] post where you said you were closing your account." Lets do it, show us any post that says within: "I, sojobow am closing my account." Don't waste your time. Lets stick to learning a martial art.

Thanks for the points. Need to see if I've broken -50 yet.
Ok folks lets let the past stay buried for a while.

Want to break -50 one way or another post positively. The other way is to be foolish and risk getting suspended or worse. Why make enemies

Why not do the first and see if you can make it to +50
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