Any other ninjutsu styles out there?


Hopefully this will get rid of some of your negativity.

With them the seed of Wisdom did I sow,
And with mine own hand wrought to make it grow;
And this was all the Harvest that I reap'd-
" I came like Water, and like Wind I go."

Bill Shovan
bshovan said:
Hopefully this will get rid of some of your negativity.

It is rather impossible to be positive about frauds like this. Everyone who has used the Koga ryu name so far has not only turned out to be a fraud, but a rather incompetent and silly one. Ashida Kim, Ron Duncan, "Yo Sato", etc. All frauds, all make me laugh with the way they move and what they write.

I understand that you do not have any experience or knowledge of ninjutsu and are trying to find the real deal. But in the future you may want to reword your posts. If you really want to, "get feedback from others to further my knowledge and education on what's factual or not" then post something like this.

Hi, I found a site about the Koga Kaiden and was wondering if anyone could tell me if they were real or not.

Saying that you can find something interesting if you looked them up gives people the impression that they should find them and take them seriously. But of course, you should not take frauds like them, Duncan, Kim, etc seriously and anyone who does just does not have much in the way of intelligence IMO.
Don Roley said:
Ashida Kim, Ron Duncan, "Yo Sato", etc. All frauds, all make me laugh with the way they move and what they write.

And what kind of screen name is "B.S. Ho Van" anyway? Sounds like yariman to me...
My thanks to the moderator,

Kizaru, in all do respect, my screen name bshovan is short for my name, if you failed to see is bill shovan. Making fun of my last name is making fun of my family name, of which many could also do with your " Maloof " last name. As far as the comment, Yariman, maybe that's just an oral fixation you nocturnally have mastered in your primary art and ranking you list as, " hand to gland combat." No offense taken and I apologize to all for this reply but I felt that my family name was directly attacked and it was uncalled for. Again, my apologies to martialtalk and the moderators for this reply and I will end it here.

Bill Shovan
bshovan said:
As far as the comment, Yariman, maybe that's just an oral fixation you nocturnally have mastered in your primary art and ranking you list as, " hand to gland combat."

You kind of ruined the effect of your apology with this little parting shot at Kizaru.

Perhaps you should just leave it alone and stop responding entirely. Taking that type of shot and then coming back with an apology later would sound like you were just trying to be sneaky. I do not want that in this thread. I already had one thread with this title closed due to trolls. I want this one to stay open and not degenerate to people taking shots at each other like the above.

I'm kind of confused here. In all honesty, I only responded to a personal attack on my family name, one I derived from my father, a decorated Korean War veteran. Please be honest with all viewing this now that if someone so mocked your last name, who you got from your father, you would not respond to it. How about he who did so, he is the one to blame, not me. Enough said.

Bill Shovan
bshovan said:
Please be honest with all viewing this now that if someone so mocked your last name, who you got from your father, you would not respond to it.

Well, I would not make that yariman comment after the mods told us to keep things respectfull. Don't try to attack the other guy just because you think he attacked you. Listen to the mods. Leave it alone. Don't try to prove to others that you commited no wrong, because you are not giving me that impression. Just let it drop and in the future listen to the mods and don't try to get in little digs like that yariman comment after they tell folks to calm down.
Enough said, already to much time mispent. Time to get back to the original of this thread for further education. Thankyou.

Bill Shovan
I am in agreeance with the majority of the people on this board and responding to this thread in regards to these so claimed "masters".

I cant quite figure out how to word this so im going to start rambling.

I think in large part if there where, which I doubt, other legitimate schools out there why do they not make thier presence known? the only thing I can think if is the 80's and all if its stereotypes pissed them off. So they went and did there own thing asking thier members not to talk about it. Legitimately they could provide martial lineage if confronted. But I could see it from the other side. You have been told not to talk about it, but come online looking for answers to questions you may have. Suddenly it becomes a testostorine driven pissing contest, a bunch of children fighting over "Im a ninja, no your not, am too, you cant be because I am". Dont get me wrong im not defending the frauds, or intentionally giving ammo. im just trying to answer the most basic question, why ?

it is IMO that a martial art is created by someone somewhere. They teach others that teach others. If Ashida Kim and those similar want to go that road more power to them. But to call themselves Traditional Ninjitsu is dis-honorable and should be treated as such.

and thus ends my morning rant.
The funny thing is that all of these "ninja" were never heard of until Hayes' articles started showing up in Black Belt, and his books began gaining popularity. Then suddenly up pops Law, Duncan, Dux, et al, saying, "We've been doing this for years." :rolleyes:
ManOfVirtues said:
I think in large part if there where, which I doubt, other legitimate schools out there why do they not make thier presence known? the only thing I can think if is the 80's and all if its stereotypes pissed them off. So they went and did there own thing asking thier members not to talk about it.

I kind of doubt anyone in Japan would have done this. They could have come forward long before the big ninja boom and the image of the ninja has never reached the level it is outside Japan.

But if someone is talking about training in a place that we can hear about it, then obviously they do not fall into your idea. They are willing to talk about it, just not prove it. Thus I treat them as frauds. If they don't like me saying so, then they should shut me up with the minimum amount of proof I ask for. If they don't care enough to prove things to me, then why do they spend hours venting against me in various forums? It is not hard at all to prove your own training history and so far, none of the ninja masters I have looked into like Duncan and such seem able or willing to show the proof that even a lowly ranked person could about their teacher.

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