kind of done with this

...people want me and Bill to get banned because we dare to disagree...

No. Because you're disruptive jerks who don't give anything back to the forum, but make it an unpleasant place to be. That's why I want you banned, anyway.

I happen to be a conservative (yes, I know, I am just pretended to be one to fool people in your opinion) and I even agree with some of things Bill and Big Don and you (rarely) have posted. I also take the liberals to task quite often in The Study, but of course that must be part of my pretending to be conservative.

And I'm even a jerk sometimes. But here's the thing. I'm not a jerk all the time, I can be calmed down and made to behave, and I contribute to decent discussion with point-by-point analysis of discussion topics, rather than just posting links to hate-filled blogs and disagreement for the sake of being disagreeable. You're a jerk all the time on The Study. The strange thing is that I've seen you not be a jerk outside of The Study (unlike some, whom I think have never even posted outside The Study) so I know you know how to not be a jerk. I guess you just like to be one.
and here is a good example of why...

right back at ya. Mind you, if i did the CONSTANT TROLLING BS that LL does? 10 points.....

Wow, they like you. I got 15 my last hit. That was a week ago by the way. Shows how much you know.

I said "kind of" because thats what i meant

kind of.

I will read the study, but it is clear to me that it would be pointless to post here.

two voices against the roar of a herd of liberal thought, TWO conservatives (the rest quit posting here long ago for the same reason) crying for the virtual death or banishment of anyone that dares to disagree, and make no mistake, that is exactly what the current Study drama is, people want me and Bill to get banned because we dare to disagree, and do it with passion.

Herd of liberal thought? What ****ing site are you reading dumbass? In your world this is 'liberal'? ****, no wonder you're so screwed up. I've been on lib sites. They worship Obama there, love Harry Reed and Nanci Pelosi, want socialized everything, think that health plan rocks, and that we need nanny programs for everyone. No one, not even me want you banned there Skippy. It's ok for me to call you Skippy, you call so many others that I figure it's only propper. I just want you to stop being a hate spewing piece of redneck stereotype, and want Bill to stop flooding the site with his constant anti-Obama talking points. Youre a troll, he's a spammer in my book, and I've been around these sites a lot longer than you're known what an 'internet' was.

think about the numbers for a second.

on one hand, you have me and Bill, on the other, pretty much everyone else. yeah, we are sooooo horrible......WTFE

This isnt a pity party, Speaking for myself, i could not care less if I am not "popular" you people DO NOT EXIST in my world, you are words, on a screen I look at during the day. I take a LOT of abuse, and thats ok, i bring it on myself for the most part, and when i try to go by the rules, as ordered, and instead of calling someone out for being a ****ing jackass, i just RTM the post? I get called more names for playing by the rules.

There is no way to win IF you do not march with the pack around here.

THATS the problem.

I don't march with the pack here. Even a Texan is smart enough to see that. I'm sure you and I could compare infraction lists and be pretty close on the point counts. Will I get more for my little video tribute to you? Probably. Will I post an 'Im leaving' note? Whine? Complain how it's not fair? How others are just as much ********s as me and 'no one does anything about it'? No, because I've been on the other side of the screen here, I know what the staff does, how they do it, how they work, and I know that IF I get smacked, it's because I deserved it. Grow a pair Tex. Stop whining, man up, take it like one and open your eyes for a change. Or not. Your nothing to me other than some idiot on a webbboard, just like I am to you. Unlike you though, I know when I'm being a jerk. Rude? Yup. Trolling, nope. The fart smuckers here know what I'm doing and get it. The dumbasses, not so much.

Which are you Twin Fist?