Black belt qualities

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Originally posted by jbkenpo

No body cares about El Paso so the UKF can keep it (although if it were closer than 17 1/2 hrs away I'd definite like to meet and train with those Kenpo brothers)....


What, the brethren in San Antonio aren't good enough for you!??!
Originally posted by Kirk

What, the brethren in San Antonio aren't good enough for you!??!

Hey homey, lighten up, you're already in!(just remember, there ain't no leaving, either):ultracool
Originally posted by RCastillo

Not to worry, a little cash thrown his way, he'll be with us!:ultracool


Everybody thinks I can be bought or am in it for the money...Mr. C you been telling folks how broke I am? :p

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

:rofl: :asian:

and bring some

Why are you trying to get Kirk hurt Mr. C? Puttin him up against an old mangy mutt like myself...Remember he's a 2nd Black...on Martialtalk...:rofl:

Originally posted by Seig

He's a Free Agent . Jb, use that to get a better deal!


That should be the last thing I ever have to do. The people that I do have the pleasure to associate with know me from the inside and out. They are like family and I shouldn't have to sell myself. If I do (to get a better deal) then it probably isn't worth it or I've presented myself in the wrong way. I have a guage inside that tells me if something is right or wrong for me and it's recently been turned back on, so I'm taking my time and talking to folks about the possibility.

I do however agree that students are as important as a great instructor, but a great student has the potential to become a great instructor themselves and there is a pride that an instructor can have in knowing that he or she had a big part to do with that, and by doing that they have given back to the Art.

So enough about me...lets get back to talking about somethig interesting.

jb :asian:
Do you go hunting GD, and if so where?

We used to have pretty good elk and deer hunting here in colorado but there has been an outbreak of chronic wasing disease the last couple of years.

I like to go Bow hunting in Sept. for deer, it's a real challenge to try and get close enough to one to take a shot. There was one place I tried and it worked, till they caught me and asked me to leave :shrug: . I always thought the zoo was for everyone :eek:

I'm also a member of PETA too........ People Eating Tasty Animals !

I've never hunted for those, but hunting for anything with a bow is tougher than rifle.

Did you get one?

Especially when the guys you go with tell you not to carry a handgun...... only to find out all of them do...... so there I was in the middle of a Sounder of about 40 pigs......... and only arrows... (8 at that)!!!!

Talk about droppingsss.......:eek:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Especially when the guys you go with tell you not to carry a handgun...... only to find out all of them do...... so there I was in the middle of a Sounder of about 40 pigs......... and only arrows... (8 at that)!!!!

Talk about droppingsss.......:eek:

It's called, "Mass Attack!":biggun:
Originally posted by jbkenpo


That should be the last thing I ever have to do. The people that I do have the pleasure to associate with know me from the inside and out. They are like family and I shouldn't have to sell myself. If I do (to get a better deal) then it probably isn't worth it or I've presented myself in the wrong way.
jb :asian:
You have not presented your self in the wrong way at all. I was trying, and failed, to lighten the mood. I apologize.:asian:
Originally posted by Seig

You have not presented your self in the wrong way at all. I was trying, and failed, to lighten the mood. I apologize.:asian:

It's cool, no worries...:D


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