Jon Stewart: Stifling free speech


An Anti-Beck rally? It was satire. He was making fun of all the idiots that would show up to a stupid "Restore the Sanity" rally. There was even a media outlet that fell for it and was bussing people in to attend! What's really funny is that some of the biggest Stewart fans don't realize they are part of the whole joke. That's what makes it really funny.

It's like The Man Show, but with more intelligence. The Man Show made itself out to be..well a man's show. But, the writers were actually women and made men look like complete idiots.

And now, Sarah Palin jumping on a trampoline!!!!!
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Silly? The death of those who help us is silly?
To ask a silly question that can not ever be answered just to justify why the left gets to act like jerks. You could care less about how many died your only point was to say "we may have done abc but you guys did xyz and thats worse so ha ha ha"
To ask a silly question that can not ever be answered just to justify why the left gets to act like jerks. You could care less about how many died your only point was to say "we may have done abc but you guys did xyz and thats worse so ha ha ha"
Personally, I think the entire thing is a little silly, if you want to know the truth. "The Left" is a boogyman. Scary, but ultimately just as much a work of fiction.
Touch of death, which C.I.A. agent was outed? I know about Plame, who wasn't really outed, and then the guy who went to cuba and started outing agents and who was the reason the law against outing agents was created.
Touch of death, which C.I.A. agent was outed? I know about Plame, who wasn't really outed, and then the guy who went to cuba and started outing agents and who was the reason the law against outing agents was created.

Revisionist history?
-This all sounds like there are people who are upset and angry about getting grief for being upset and angry. True of both sides. But hey, be upset and angry, but don't expect people to like you for it.

On the made up Valerie Plame outing:

WASHINGTON — The alleged crime at the heart of a controversy that has consumed official Washington — the "outing" of a CIA officer — may not have been a crime at all under federal law, little-noticed details in a book by the agent's husband suggest

In The Politics of Truth, former ambassador Joseph Wilson writes that he and his future wife both returned from overseas assignments in June 1997. Neither spouse, a reading of the book indicates, was again stationed overseas. They appear to have remained in Washington, D.C., where they married and became parents of twins. (Related story: Bush waits on Rove)
Six years later, in July 2003, the name of the CIA officer — Valerie Plame — was revealed by columnist Robert Novak.
The column's date is important because the law against unmasking the identities of U.S. spies says a "covert agent" must have been on an overseas assignment "within the last five years." The assignment also must be long-term, not a short trip or temporary post, two experts on the law say. Wilson's book makes numerous references to the couple's life in Washington over the six years up to July 2003.

So Plame cannot be the outing you are talking about because she wasn't outed. She parked at C.I.A. headquarters. Hard to be outed when you eat lunch at the cafeteria at langley.
"Unless she was really stationed abroad sometime after their marriage," she wasn't a covert agent protected by the law, says Bruce Sanford, an attorney who helped write the 1982 act that protects covert agents' identities.
Touch of death, which C.I.A. agent was outed? I know about Plame, who wasn't really outed, and then the guy who went to cuba and started outing agents and who was the reason the law against outing agents was created.
Sorry, I work three 12 hr. shifts on the weekend; so, its hard to be attentive.:ultracool Yes, I was talking about Plame, but no matter how benign you claim the situation truly was, How can the CIA even operate if its agents can't gain anyone's trust due to political bickering? And how can we ever know the extent of the damage?... "I've seen Dick Cheney and the damage done...":uhyeah:
I sympathize, 3, 12 hour shifts. Sounds like fun, how do I get a job like that? Remember as well it wasn't cheney or Scooter libby who brought up plame, but Richard Armitage who worked for the Rino, colin powell. This was known within the first few days or weeks, and they still went after everyone else until they nailed scooter libby.

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