Life is Better Now, ACW


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MT Mentor
Life is better now ACW (After the Creation of Wikipedia)

I still recall the bad ol' days way back BW (Before Wikipedia). Perhaps some of you do too. Those dark ages lasted from approximately the dawn of time which is to say 4.54 billion years ago AW (According to Wikipedia) to AD 2001 which is the Beginning of the Wikipedia Era. Yes, I still recall those days when genuine experts were easy to tell from LBAs (Laymen with Broadband Access). And that was not good.

Like you, I prefer it now. I am expert in whatever I claim I am. As are you. And that is provably better for humanity, after all: scientia potentia est, (which is what Francis Bacon said, AW). Nowadays you can quiz me on my expertise and I can tell you anything you like provided we are not face to face and I am within range of a wi-fi access point. For, following the beginning of the Wikipedia Era, I am an autoqualified expert in everything. So also are you. You can tell me anything. Even when I think I am well versed in something by old BW methods of learning, all the while you are more knowledgeable than me because we are not face to face and you are within range of a wi-fi access point. And that is a good state of affairs. Perhaps that is why my doctor insists on diagnosing me now by email. At 3am. From India. Hmm. He is just 17 years of age and has a not too good standard of English. Anyway.

Wikipedia, for those of you who are mere LBAs and not experts (as I am), is a web repository manned by panels of experts like myself that diligently siphon out copious false and anecdotal information to leave the laypeople, with just a little false and anecdotal information. From this verified factitious information we now form our news stories, our legal cases (in conjunction with Facebook), our medical diagnoses and our forum commentaries. In the old days BW, women and men had to gain knowledge from elders or in unusual cases from books which were made from the crually harvested pulp of trees and whose texts had to be painstakingly verified by people whose cleverness had in turn to be verified by people who could spell and punctuate with horrible aplomb. That proved costly and took a long time when seeking information. And you had in some cases to be face to face. Moreover, others could by that very time lag, determine that you were not in fact an expert in the mating habits of howler monkeys (from the Family Atelidae in the Parvorder Platyrrhini as we experts better know them). And that was not good. Now all the universe's knowledge is onlineified. And that is most definitely good.

Today, in the modern era, Wikipedia is the de facto provider of education across the broadband-using universe. It is the replacement for schools and higher education providers. And much cheaper and efficient it is too. There remains no need to educate yourself through these anachronistic institutions. Wikipedia does away with the need for them.

Pity the old ones that lived BW when the process of cutting and pasting reams of data (with wiki links lazily included) into a work email, a medical diagnosis email, a legal plea bargain or - dare I say - discussion forum was met with shrugs and moans of "So what, you just copied all that out". Now, however, we can gasp at the wonderfully indiscriminate deployment of such vast hearsay-based factual forests.

The modern era is truly the best of times. Which was incidentally also the name of a 1981 comedy film directed by Don Mischer and starring Crispin Glover. And Nicolas Cage. Who is 47 and whose first movie was Brubaker which is a film from 1980 about a prison in distress where the Warden Henry Brubaker (who was played by Robert Redford) attempted to reform the system.

There now. What else would you like to know? Oh hang on, my reception bars are dropping...
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Great work Jenna! Did you know that Jenna is an Arabic name meaning small bird as well as being a female given name. In the Western world it is a variation of Jennifer or Genevieve. Jennifer is of English origin and means white. All of which is much cooler than Brian which the the French seem to relate to maggots. What ever.

Thanks for the laugh and the introspection.

Warmest Regards
Brian King
Every time you post here Brian, I have brought to mind Brian Boru who of course you know was the infamous 10th century king of Ireland that ended the domination of the High Kingship of Ireland by the Uí Néill.

Ken, can be a Japanese name which can have many different meanings depending on the kanji used. And but I guess you knew that already.

XS, according to Wikipedia, an expert is someone widely recognized as a reliable source of technique or skill whose faculty for judging or deciding rightly, justly, or wisely is accorded authority and status by their peers or the public in a specific well-distinguished domain.

Of course, the subtext of that is really - an expert is someone whose friends are less clever than they are and do not always have reliable wi-fi access.
But in the link I provided Wiki tells you how reliable they are.

And look to the Garden of Allah by Don Henley and you will understand why I am an expert because I say I am :EG: :uhyeah:
But in the link I provided Wiki tells you how reliable they are.

And look to the Garden of Allah by Don Henley and you will understand why I am an expert because I say I am :EG: :uhyeah:
Oh goodness, do not mention religion or we are dead in the water. Take it seriously else you will be getting my thread moved into the forum's dungeon or holding cell for torture. Anyway XS, I do not follow links as I generally end up learning some fact which displaces some other fact in the finite space in my head. I am nevertheless happy to acknowledge your expertise and that it is a greater expertise than mine in everything. Except howler monkeys.
Oh goodness, do not mention religion or we are dead in the water. Take it seriously else you will be getting my thread moved into the forum's dungeon or holding cell for torture. Anyway XS, I do not follow links as I generally end up learning some fact which displaces some other fact in the finite space in my head. I am nevertheless happy to acknowledge your expertise and that it is a greater expertise than mine in everything. Except howler monkeys.

Relax, it is a song...although the character doing that talking at this point in the song found in one way or another throughout multiple religions....oh...yeah..sorry about that

Today I made an appearance downtown
I am an expert witness because I say I am
And I said gentlemen, and I use that world loosely
I will testify for you, I'm a gun for hire,I'm a saint, I'm a liar
Because there are no facts, there is no truth
Just data to be manipulated
I can get you any result you like
What's it worth to you?
Because there is no wrong, there is no right
And I sleep very well at night
No shame, no solution, no remorse, no retribution
Just people selling t-shirts
Just opportunity to participate in the pathetic little circus
And winning, winning, winning

And it does not matter the topic.... I am expert because I say I am.. Doubly so when it comes to Howler Monkeys :D

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