Originally posted by Yari
I just want to start off saying that I agree. But for the fun of discussion I'd like to ask a few questions about this. Befor I do that I just want to emphesize that I'm not trying to disrespect anybody.
What really is respect? How do you show respect? Would it be to shut up, or to show your meaning. Would it be that you agree only because the other is a senior? How do you show respect when the other person has a different set of rules for respect?
What is fairness? Doesn't it depend on what "rules" the person lives by, and if the rules are the same as yours?
And last:
By honor do you mean integrity(sp?). I think honor is something you get, but integrity si something you are (ie. walk the talk).
Just trying to start a discussion here to get people thinking.
I would say, staying silent, and speaking when you deem it neccesary. Listen ,and learning can stave off problems.
Being fair? Just making sure no one is wronged, and being higher ranked should not figure in. Do the right thing.
Integrety, Just being honest with yourself, and to others. If not, it may come back to haunt you later.
The moral of the story here, as taught to me by another Instructor, "Think, before you act!":asian: