Black belt qualities

  • Thread starter Thread starter brianhunter
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The belt is above all else, a symbol. Quite a few have made a mockery of it, people with high belts that cannot prove their progression for example. Above all, the person makes the belt, not the other way around.
Hey guys, sorry I ain't an expert!!!

Blindside: Yeah, I made a few more generalitites than necessary, and for that I apologize. I realize that there are really complex social structures in nature--heck, I see it in my two dogs!! As well, I have seen quite a few nature shows and have read a few studies that discuss the social structure of elephants, monkeys, apes, and the whole lot. I know how that works, I just jumped in with generalities.

Basically, I respect your knowledge and opinion, and apologize for the general statements. My point was basically just to say that hey, we figure that since we're human, we hold ourselves to standards "above the animals". Unfortunately, we don't realize that we really haven't fallen all that far from the tree, no?

I once read an argument where someone was trying to prove that humans were smarter than dolphins, since we had opposable thumbs. The first person said, "You know, we *have* to be smarter--you don't see dolphins building any cities, do you?". The second person said, "No, but you don't see them dropping bombs on each other, either, do you?". Made a good point in my opinion.....

Again, sorry if I offended. Mother Nature has already scolded me.....:eek:

J.C. Penny, 3.98. In Okinawa, belt mean no need rope, hold up

Hehe.....lots of times, I remember the generalities, and most of the time, the source.....but not always the whole quote.

Thanks, Kirk!!


Originally posted by tonbo

Hey guys, sorry I ain't an expert!!!

Blindside: Yeah, I made a few more generalitites than necessary, and for that I apologize.

Again, sorry if I offended. Mother Nature has already scolded me.....:eek:


Apologize for what? Every dialogue starts with a general premise and then you peel away at the surface to get to the meat of the issue.

Great minds come up with the general concept that no one else thinks about, or enough about to mention. Of course Greater minds disect it to add validity or discount the base premise (of course this can be the same person).

Please continue to "offend";) ....and share your thoughts.

Originally posted by tonbo

Hehe.....lots of times, I remember the generalities, and most of the time, the source.....but not always the whole quote.

Thanks, Kirk!!



Hey, if it's trivial, pointless or will do me no good whatsoever,
I'll remember it! Just make it slightly important, and I
won't remember a thing!
Originally posted by jbkenpo

Apologize for what? Every dialogue starts with a general premise and then you peel away at the surface to get to the meat of the issue.

Great minds come up with the general concept that no one else thinks about, or enough about to mention. Of course Greater minds disect it to add validity or discount the base premise (of course this can be the same person).

Please continue to "offend";) ....and share your thoughts.


The last time "I offended" Mr. Conatser, he hurt me real bad!

You sure you wanna say that?:confused:
Originally posted by RCastillo

The last time "I offended" Mr. Coatser, he hurt me real bad!

You sure you wanna say that?:confused:

Was it the last time you MISSPELLED his name :D

Originally posted by jbkenpo

Was it the last time you MISSPELLED his name :D


It's now been corrected!:soapbox:

Besides, he's Scottsdale, and as MC Hammer once said, "Can't touch this!:rofl:
Originally posted by RCastillo

It's now been corrected!:soapbox:

Besides, he's Scottsdale, and as MC Hammer once said, "Can't touch this!:rofl:
Yeah and he kept right on saying that as he filed bankruptcy!:rofl:
Originally posted by Seig

Yeah and he kept right on saying that as he filed bankruptcy!:rofl:

Hey ,that's the "American Way!":hammer:

Case dismissed!
Originally posted by jbkenpo
Your one of the ones that made me that way.....

hee hee We've only just begun.... you need much more training if you are to control all of Texas and rid us of the evil Darth Castillo de la Corpo

No problemo, I took no offense!!

I chime in and give my penny's worth when I think I have a point to make......sometimes I ramble *too* much, and sometimes I don't give enough info....and sometimes, I'm just plain wrong. It happens. Still, I persist...;)

Anyway, the conversation is lively, and all is good. If I make mistakes, or don't include enough, then hey, I EXPECT my friends here on MartialTalk to bring it to my attention!!

Again, no problem. I have taken nothing personally, and don't plan on taking anything personally. Always feel free to jump in and set me straight where I'm wrong: my hide's a little thicker than a single post.....hehe.....


Originally posted by Goldendragon7

hee hee We've only just begun.... you need much more training if you are to control all of Texas and rid us of the evil Darth Castillo de la Corpo


You can't have him, he's in my GANG now! We're growing as we speak!:2pistols:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

hee hee We've only just begun.... you need much more training if you are to control all of Texas and rid us of the evil Darth Castillo de la Corpo


I'll settle for my garage, let the Kenpo instructors in Hoston divey it up, Mr. Castillo can have Corpus and the surrounding border towns, Mr. Duffy can keep Austin (save a little for Schorder & Abedin), Mr. Swan can keep San Antonio just save some for Mr. Schmit, Morano, Abernathy and Rick Castro. Fowler, Gorham & Bulot can fight it out over Dallas (that's a toss up and would be a good one to watch). No body cares about El Paso so the UKF can keep it (although if it were closer than 17 1/2 hrs away I'd definite like to meet and train with those Kenpo brothers)....


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