horror story for all you guys...

  • Thread starter Thread starter gyaku-zuki queen
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Friggin ouch!

I've read a lot of "I'm glad I'm female" posts...someone mentioned that the only thing between the boot is muscle and bone. That isn't correct. On top of the bone is the pubic nerve....so yes, females can most definately be racked...just not near to the extent that males can.

I think not wearing a cup in training does tremendous things for improving a guys relfexes. In some of the places I've trained in there are a coupla methods used on females that go for excessive groin shots.....the one that leaps to mind is "nippling".
im sorry but does OUCH come even close to that one? im a girl and im like nooooo thats just not right ...getting kicked in the jewels hard enuff to crack a cup thats just not cool
The cup I have said "Shatter Proof" on the package. I have to wonder just how well "proofed" it really is.
Zepp said:
The cup I have said "Shatter Proof" on the package. I have to wonder just how well "proofed" it really is.

i've been told i kick pretty hard...strap it on and come over...we can find out...
man i got kicked there once too while sparring had to sit down for a while lol
speaking of...i back kicked my buddy during a light sparring session last week...he threw a roundhouse and i threw a back kick, i remember thinking...hmmmm...i feel one leg on one side of my foot and the other leg on the other side....you know, you really don't wnat to be hitting where they connect...it wasn't a very hard shot, but he seems to get hit in the groin every week by somebody...so it was just my turn i guess
we have a Orange belts in my school that cant figure out distance and always kicks low and close and a white belt that always charges ....very bad mach they always exchage shots to the goiring
gyaku-zuki queen said:
ok this section is about horror stories... heres a true story.. most likely horror for all of you guys.

Edmonton, (Canada) 2004 National Championships. Junior Team Kumite Finals. Ontario Vs Quebec.
Quebec guy is in the lead by about 3 points. Ontario is still in there. as its team kumite, finals, it was intense. almost everyone in the whole arena was watching it. (i mean team kumite finals? pretty much the beggest event :) )
then it happens. ontario guy is coming in with a jodan mawashi (kick to the head) quebec guy kicks too. right where it hurts..
the guy gets knocked up in the air, and you (seroious no joke) hear the echo of the cup breaking in the arena. then he falls flat on the mat.
dead silence in the whole arena for about 5 seconds..
then all the guys cry out at once.. gurls are jus like: oh *****...
i'm looking over at the other guys on my team... 3 of them are almost in tears.. one was...

surprisingly.. they didnt disqualify the quebec guy.. they won the match.

The same exact thing happened to me. I writhed on the ground and pulled out broken peices of my cup. Needless to say, I was done sparring that day. Oh well, no lasting damage...two kids later.