Kelly & Paul - An Academic Look

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Yes, it's looking bad again and I started it this time. I was hoping to get a discussion going and there was a definite misestimation of reaction on my end. As for the MT camp, we'll see for the time being.


I'm sorry this thread has affected you so much. If you were pissed when you talked to me earlier in the afternoon, you kept it to yourself pretty well.

Like I said in earlier an post, if this is such a touchy subject, then lock it up and shut it down. So far, those who have said it should be left alone or not gone into have been very direct and civil about it. Thank you. This is my last post on the subject.

Dan Anderson
I would not want my students to see this thread!

I have to give Dan Anderson credit for at least waiting till after the fourth anniversary of Professor's death. But at the same time, there are other things going on in the world! Any word regarding the Modern Arnis group at Tulane?

Right now I'm thinking about them, my friend who is a minister in New Orleans (I'm praying for you Jim), and all those affected by Hurricane Katrina.
I like Mr. Anderson, who has such a positive presence and let's-get-to-work ethic on the floor. But, I do feel that this discussion could only lead to stirring the pot and adding to the bad feelings already present, and I do think it should be shut down...all the more so, in fairness, if Tulisan is unable to respond.
Disputes between adults shouldn't be publically settled as if they were 2 teens on a playground.

Seems too many folks are using the wrong sticks to measure their ability.
Would it be too hard to drop the politics, feuds, and attitudes at the door and just share history, techniques and news?

Palusut said:
Mod Hat Off:

I think that this is a private matter between Mr. Worden and Paul as well. I think that we all need to think about adding more content and less controversy to the MA forum.

We know when someone is selling something or having a seminar but there hasn't been as much sharing of content lately.

I think that site has the highest number of MA Datus, several senior students, Guros, and advanced instructors who can set the example and contribute to the learning experience of us all.



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**Moderator note**

That's more than enough. MartialTalk is not the place to air nor resolve personal differences - take if offline.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Senior Moderator
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