National Geographic mpeg on Dillman & Co.


shooting chi balls at people now...? :rolleyes: i think he's lost it for sure. what a joke. even worse that people actually believe that crap works.
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Its good to know that if I wiggle my toes and stick my tongue out at my attacker, I can deflect balls of chi thrown at me. That is some of the easiest self defense I've ever learned!
Sapper6 said:
shooting chi balls at people now...? :rolleyes:
He must have meant cheese balls. Now that is a technique I can believe in! In Packerland, beyond the chedder curtain, I've seen some crazy ****!
upnorthkyosa said:
Its good to know that if I wiggle my toes and stick my tongue out at my attacker, I can deflect balls of chi thrown at me. That is some of the easiest self defense I've ever learned!

yeah, i'll have to remember that one!

it's no wonder the martial arts get such a bum rap these days. hell, this show makes discovery channel's XMA show look really damn good. i just wish that if the media desires to showcase the combat arts to the public, they feature one that acually works.

last night, i was talking to a friend on the phone (who doesn't study MA) and at some point i had mentioned i broke my toe earlier in the day. his response, "can't you just fix it with a chi ball, who needs a doctor?" i'm guessing he caught the dillman comedy hour on TV the night before...
What's really sad to me is that the 8th Dan, Master Jay (I think that's small circle Jujitsu's Jay's son) has attached himself to this stuff. If infact it is him, I can't imagine what would be the rational to align with something that has people questioning it's validity, especially since I think his father is so well respected.
Here we see a computer enhanced sample of Chi in action.

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Wally Jay did some events with Dillman in the past, as have several other noted instructors. My take on it is, I can buy the pressure point stuff, but no-touch? I'd have to feel it before I believe it. No touch to me is just contact at all. Not slap my foot, knee and right elbow then waggle the fingers.
Brad Dunne said:
What's really sad to me is that the 8th Dan, Master Jay (I think that's small circle Jujitsu's Jay's son) has attached himself to this stuff. If infact it is him, I can't imagine what would be the rational to align with something that has people questioning it's validity, especially since I think his father is so well respected.

Once upon a time, (1997 I think,) I went to a 'Big Three' seminar with Wally Jay, Remy Presas and George Dillman scheduled to appear. I was not overwhelmingly impressed with Mr. Dillman, and unfortunately for health reasons Wally Jay was not able to make it, so his segment was taught by Leon Jay and Ed Melaugh. Leon seemed like a pleasant enough gentleman, and sure could put on a mean wrist lock, but was already straying into 'hocus pocus'. Ed Melaugh put on a spectacular display of some kick butt jujutsu. Remy Presas was really nice, and taught a great segment emphasizing the trapping involved in Modern Arnis with both stick and empty hand, moving like a man easily 20 years younger.

Ok, I watched the clip. Standard mass-market stuff, right up to the end.....where it got, interesting. I didn't realize that by waggling ones tongue and toes one can transform into an unstoppable warrior. LOL

Here's the transcript:

From the National Geographic special, after Leon Jay's attempt to no-touch knock out someone fails.

Leon Jay: It Didn't Work

Announcer: Dillman thinks he knows what went wrong and has come up with a very interesting explanation.

George Dillman: The skeptic was uh, a totally unbelieving, non believer PLUS! I don't know if I should say that on film but if the guy had his tongue in the wrong position in the mouth uh, that can also nullify it. Yeah. You can nullify a lot of things done to you. In fact you can nullify it if you raise those two big toes. If I say I'm going to knock you out and you raise one toe and push one toe down, can't knock you out. And then if I goto try again and you reverse it. If you keep doing this, {alternates hands} I won't knock you out.

Announcer: Good to know, but, there is another explanation.

Uh, yeah, I wonder what that other explaination could be?
I've heard him use the raising/lowering toes explanation at a seminar. How embarrassing.

Doesn't sound very reliable...
Hmph, the video doesn't seem to be there anymore. Would have liked to see it, but now I'm getting a "page cannot be found" message
arnisador said:
I've heard him use the raising/lowering toes explanation at a seminar. How embarrassing.

Doesn't sound very reliable...
So true, however, it makes a great bed time story.

My youngest daughter came home today from a weekend of late nights and campfires, she had gone camping with a friend of hers and her family.

By the time she finally went to bed, she was extemely tired and missing her dad very much (he is away this week) was a little weepy too.

So to lighten the mood I told her that tomorrow I would teach her how to defend herself against Chi balls. You simply just have to raise one of your big toes and stick your tongue out at the person who is throwing the chi ball and it completely nullifies its existance.

If nothing else it lightened the mood and got her giggling and her last words to me were "chi balls right mom? Not cheese balls, cause those would hurt." :)
Maybe we should ask ppko about all this "chi balls" stuff.....he is after all our resident Dillman expert.........
Someone has obviously alerted them to this thread and they have taken it down.
From their website:

Since 1992 he has studied various pressure point theories from the likes of George Dillman, Vince Morris and Russell Stutely.
Why can't he crawl back under the rock from whence he came. He needs to leave the martial arts to the martial artists.