Keeping the Peace

Datu Tim Hartman

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From another thread.


I hope it is more than just gesture considering Jerome's attempted communication has been to set up discussion IN PERSON if possible (what ever needs to be said) to reach a true resolution and has been ignored. He even offered to pay for the coffee and muffins. If you consider ignoring someone instead of talking/resolving a form of "peaceful coexistence" it really isn't. It is sort of like ignoring a cancer; it will just get worse without treatment.

Hell, Shishir himself offered to mediate when he was in Buffalo and you refused the senior Datu's well intended gesture.

For me, I have stopped by, Tim, and I thought it was productive, yet these sniping shots don't really show that anymore to me. I remember our last conversation and how it contrasts with some comments you have made here. Jerome has communicated directly with Janulis according to Paul J himself. I have called Paul J long distance and communicated through email with Paul J - no problems there. I even reviewed his website and made constructive suggestions. I have listened to you when we talked face to face, I have talked to Jerome and read the email copies/communications that Jerome used to try and reach out to you and others - lengthy but worth reading for the sake of true resolution. It is disappointing to see that our 'face to face' didn't really help that much. I have even seen the actual paper work after the symposium, while I helped with the aftermath (since I didn't help out at all with the set up) so I would say that I know of what I speak concerning the ‘payday’ issue. Open discussion of private/financial business is considered bad form in business as far as I am concerned.

After the results of the last 'face to face' with you:
1. Having it spun into me 'distancing myself' from Jerome.
2. Reading posts from people who weren't there using information in their posts that only could have
come from that conversation.
3. And the latest string of personal insults from you.

I would say making direct phone contact first (come on your already paying for the local service) and from that we can figure out if a drive out to your school for further discussion (or even just a good laugh about all of this and a beer ) is warranted - remember the concept of "economy of motion.” Administrators direct others to do things, leaders take the initiative so give me a call if you think that it is time for direct communication.

If you read through my comments, it really comes down requesting that you honor your statement about not stirring up old business and 'coexisting peacefully.' Speaking proactively and about 'what will work for the next one' instead of what was wrong with the last one would go a long way to making those honor statements more an just lip service.
Paul R. Martin

This offer is put to the people who keep arguing the same points and the endless sniping. This is not about Barber. He is not even a member of MT at the moment. Tom, Rich P, Paul J, You and I will be in town at the same time. We keep doing this internet dance and itÂ’s getting old. ItÂ’s too easy to be an idiot behind a computer or on the phone. This is my attempt to resolve some of the issues between us. If you donÂ’t want to participate thatÂ’s alright, at least I tried.

Respectfully your, :asian:
Datu Puti said:
From another thread.


This offer is put to the people who keep arguing the same points and the endless sniping. This is not about Barber. He is not even a member of MT at the moment. Tom, Rich P, Paul J, You and I will be in town at the same time. We keep doing this internet dance and itÂ’s getting old. ItÂ’s too easy to be an idiot behind a computer or on the phone. This is my attempt to resolve some of the issues between us. If you donÂ’t want to participate thatÂ’s alright, at least I tried.

Respectfully your, :asian:
Yes, it is getting old. I never said that I didn't want to participate, only that I don't want to waste my time/energy in participating. If this is about you, why not do this now instead of when Rich and Paul are in town? I don't see that I need to talk to either of them. I have already made it clear where I stand with them.

It is very tiring to keep getting these "Call me" comments when you are the one who wants this communication to happen. Do something about it then, be proactive instead of trying to make people come to you. What is the point of that?

I wouldn't say that you or I were 'idiots' the last time we talked on the phone or in person. What would be the difference between a direct phone conversation and a face to face to keep us from being 'idiots?' Our intimidating presences :)? My conversations with Paul J have been very productive IMO.

If you don't call fine. This is starting to look like "Do it...No, you do it...I said it first...." crap. I don't think that there is any need to do a 'face to face' honestly. If you do, call me first so we don't go on and on about trivial things - which tends to happen if we don't clarify the point of the discussion.

Besides, I think this type of thing was suppose to be done via PM or email at the Mod requests.

My last post in this BS.
I just wanted to comment that I can be just as big of an idiot in person as I can online! :p

On a serious I mentioned before, I should be around for whatever, not that I see it nessicary for me to have a sit down with anyone, as I believe that everyone knows where I stand...

As a non FMA or Arnis practitioner I have a couple of comments. I am not sure how the other Mod or Admins feel about me stepping in sorta blindly. I have done a lot of reading the past couple of days, and reviewed some old threads for reference, or remembered them from previous occassions.

As noted above, PLEASE DO take these arguments off line - It occupies a great deal of time and negative energy for everyone concerned, apparently both here on the Boards, and in your personal lives. You devote energy and time to issues which obviously have not gotten resolved (and they may never get better ... at least here), although there are moments of clarity or sanity and attempts to be less inflamatory and back off a little in order to get back to Arnis. Those efforts are noted and appreciated.

If a post count was done ... and it has been, Positive contributions, neutral or joking posts, and plain FLAMERS, you would all probably be surprised at the results. The Flamers tend to typecast the person and it is hard then to seek out the actual pearls that are offered. Ya'll obviously know each other's buttons, and it is a sign of maturity when you choose not to push them.

PLEASE take these ongoing disagreements off line, as the positive contributions you make to the Board, and Modern Arnis in general, are appreciated by most of your readers.

Thanks for considering this.

Michael Billings said:
PLEASE take these ongoing disagreements off line, as the positive contributions you make to the Board, and Modern Arnis in general, are appreciated by most of your readers.

Thanks for considering this.

That was my intention with this last post and previous ones where I mention going off the public forum. I think Bob's and Rich's use of their experience/knowledge of the last symposium to make productive comments on how the next symposium/event could be a success is the way to go. Talk about lessons learned and how to build on the past. No matter if it is the 'first' or the 'five hundreth' there will be things that can be tweeked.

Thanks to all who keep an eye on things.

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