Where'd it go?

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
So that 2 of our members can peacefully resolve some disagreements, at the suggestion of TGace, I have temporarily removed 2 threads from view.

We appreciate your understanding and patience in this situation.

Well, I'm bummed. I was just about to gratify my voyeuristic tendencies, and you took away the mind porn.

Tgace -- I wish you well around how this all bled offline, inappropriately.

Good Luck,

do you realize what you've done to my post count? :whip:

in all seriousness, hope all works out fine.

Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
Well, I'm bummed. I was just about to gratify my voyeuristic tendencies, and you took away the mind porn.

Tgace -- I wish you well around how this all bled offline, inappropriately.

Good Luck,

Thanks. Im trying but the results havent been promising so far....
Tgace said:
Thanks. Im trying but the results havent been promising so far....
Your doing a decent thing, let's hope it doesn't end up being used against you again.

Best wishes.
For those who care...I dont want to give the impression that the call in question seriously placed my job in jeopardy. My irritation was that ultimately this was all about getting a little payback at me for my actions on the board. If I were praising the right people nobody would care when or where it came from. But when someone doesnt like whats being said THEN its righteous indignation time.
Tgace said:
For those who care...I dont want to give the impression that the call in question seriously placed my job in jeopardy. My irritation was that ultimately this was all about getting a little payback at me for my actions on the board. If I were praising the right people nobody would care when or where it came from. But when someone doesnt like whats being said THEN its righteous indignation time.
I have noticed this with the Rep points too. No one really takes the time to pat you on the back for a good comment or idea but dhey jump on the negative rep points when they don't like what you have to say.

In this case I have to agree with you. If it was the other way, I doubt that Tim would call about you posting from work on a hunch. What real proof would he have anyway?
Tgace said:
For those who care...I dont want to give the impression that the call in question seriously placed my job in jeopardy. My irritation was that ultimately this was all about getting a little payback at me for my actions on the board. If I were praising the right people nobody would care when or where it came from. But when someone doesnt like whats being said THEN its righteous indignation time.
To me it sounds pretty personal if someone is going to call your place of employment and complain about you. It would make me think twice about looking over your shoulder a time or two. That's not very cool.
Well..something I havent considered, and I suppose I should, is that I have some co-workers who are students of (and have children who are students of) the person who has issues with me. I ASSumed when I was questioned about this that it was a direct phone call from the person involved. I also assumed that one of my co-workers wouldnt have gone behind my back without at least first approaching me. The whole "thin blue line" claptrap and all. If that is the case it makes this whole silly incident even more disappointing. In that the main person involved had to get someone else to "deal" with me and that someone who shares the same risks with me would be involved....

As nobody involved has seen fit to speak with me directly then OR now, I guess Ill never know.
Tgace said:
Well..something I havent considered, and I suppose I should, is that I have some co-workers who are students of (and have children who are students of) the person who has issues with me. I ASSumed when I was questioned about this that it was a direct phone call from the person involved. I also assumed that one of my co-workers wouldnt have gone behind my back without at least first approaching me. The whole "thin blue line" claptrap and all. If that is the case it makes this whole silly incident even more disappointing. In that the main person involved had to get someone else to "deal" with me and that someone who shares the same risks with me would be involved....

As nobody involved has seen fit to speak with me directly then OR now, I guess Ill never know.
Cowardice actions.
I don't see how posting this on the net is going to help mend any fences.
Well...trying the other route is meeting a stone wall.