It was only a matter of time. McDojo vitcim beaten up

Thatā€™s always been one of my favorite martial arts clips.

Thereā€™s usually no way to fix stupid. That might have done it for the old guy.
The issue is that people will view that as some stupid guy rather than an issue that can invade any martial arts.

It can really show up with things like unarmed vs knife, or positional defence like bear hug escapes.

In reality someone takes your back you are probably going to get suplexed. But how do you drill that for the self defence crowd?

They don't want escapes that might take years to learn and still only have a small chance of working. And then only if you have a sort of even strength comparison.

You need to pretend a bunch of stuff that does work is going to somehow work, which will loosen their grip, which will make the defence possible. So you are not allowed to just hang on to their back and just sit their bored while they vainly flail around trying to get out. You have to change your attack to reflect reality.

Which creates this insane run of logic that the thing you are actually doing isn't real.

I was super impressed they actually did the escape. Kind of.

I mean still terrible. Still wouldn't work. But it wasn't backwards elbows. So there is that.
Side question. What is is about pretend fighting that develops character in a way that actually learning to fight doesn't?
The "non-combat" aspects of MA training can develop fitness, instill a sense of respect and build self-discipline which benefits everyone who trains in it. "Pretend fighting" can be a part of this.

But I believe "character" is best built when under pressure of some sort. This includes moral character as well as physical. It has to be put to the test. In MA, this test of inner strength is facing an opponent and accepting a degree of risk.

One doesn't have to constantly spar or strive to be an elite fighter, or even especially like fighting, but if one doesn't jump into the fire once in a while, real MA ability will be lacking, and the potential benefits of training will not be fully realized. People can take whatever they want from MA, but like most things, you get out of it what you put into it.
In reality someone takes your back you are probably going to get suplexed.
Once your feet leave the ground.........

My first karate sensei was a state heavyweight wrestling champion and was at least 225 pounds of muscle. I was a teen of about 140 pounds, and he says to me, "let me show you a suplex." The dojo did not have mats. I felt death by being squashed was certain. He got me in a front bearhug, lifted, pivoted - my eyes were closed by that point - and when I opened them again, I was on my back with Sensei smiling over me, kind of in a plank position so his weight wasn't on me. Unhurt, but slightly terrified.

There are grappling situations really hard to get out of, especially if not well trained in that skill. Best for a karate practitioner to avoid them with all his skill.
Some people also have a very looong fuse.

It would not occur to me to counter attack someone because of an insult or someone slapping me.
ā€˜Sticks and stonesā€¦ā€™ as the saying goes, but a slap would be reciprocated!
ā€˜Sticks and stonesā€¦ā€™ as the saying goes, but a slap would be reciprocated!
But I neither tease nor do slapping games.

But if they insist I could consider trading 5 slaps for a rib.