Is there a connection ??

There is a definite connection!!!!! No doubt about it.
I personally feel, however, that "fantasy" is a bad thing. Those prone to fantasize about anything often have an innate drive, a motivation that needs no external source.
Nerds are flakes, their fantasy is often wish-fulfillment and compensation for that which they lack (true substance). Flakes seek out things that will make them feel like they are unique and different, but this usually back-fires in leading them like lemmings to be 'Non-conforming/Conformists'. Flakes don't last long in the martial least few do. I know of some high ranking flakes who've been around the block a time or two...usually due to the instructors/people who care about them who aren't flakes.

There is, however, a good use of fantasy. It's more like a romantic, believable (in other words, based on logic) idealism from an active imagination. It's that romantic idealism that makes me chase down "excellent" form every execution of every technique...and actually believe it's possible. (I'll let yall know When I get there...). It's the romantic ideal that if I continue to pour out my best training, I'll get to be the kind/quality of martial artist I want to be. For me, it's not so much a 'fantasy' as it is my "Vision" for whom/what I want to be. It's the carrot that keeps me moving forward and seeking for new ways to improve.

This is very different from the guy who wants to fantasize that his Jujutsu moves are identical to those practiced by Samouri on the battle-field and he therefore has some mystical/spiritual connection with them. Or the guy who sees his practice of Okinawan Karate or PMA as a bond with resistance/freedom fighters of the orient. Or thinks that he's a "Ninja".
I know a person who is a high(ish) ranking instructor in Ninjutsu and probably could rightfully (moreso than MOST) claim that title, but he doesn't. He calls himself a Budoka. :asian: A very good man.

Anyway, I'm rambling. I just wanted to point out that there's more than one kind of fantasy, one good & useful, one a stumbling irrelevant side-track.

Your Brother
Remember- ladies dig guys with confidence.

Shu2Jack, You are so right!

Brother John, Thanks for a great explanation. Rambling sometimes produces great thoughts.

Hedgey - I've met a couple of people (yes, women, too) during my travels in ma who are just too 'out there' and are like those guys Bro refers to above. I'm glad you aren't like that.
KT: Just because I don't believe in mystical chi auras does not mean i'm not crazy. Now quit stealing my thoughts.

If I may be permitted to nutride matt thornton once again:
But there is a bigger issue for me when it comes to training people to be quote un quote "streetfighters". There is a mentality that often accompanies these questions that I am very wary of. When I read these questions in e-mails, or online, and then I actually meet these "streetfighting" guys in person at my seminars they are almost always the runts of the litter. The weaklings, emotionally, physically, etc. Probably social outcasts to a degree. Not good childhood's, etc. I don't think you need to be ashamed of that, but I do think you need to acknowledge it and work past it. The problem is that with a "streetfighting" mindset and motivation they will probably never work through, and evolve past these issues. You look past the streetfighter bravado and look into their eyes and you see a scared little boy.
I'll tell you a story. I went to a very well known "mercenary" convention sometime ago at the request of one of the vendors. They had asked me to check out the convention in the hopes of getting me to teach a self defense class there at some point. As I walked around I was utterly amazed at how many geeks were assembled in one room. I don't mean to be rude. . .but you had all these guys dressed in camouflage fatigues talking about "tactics" and real world self defense, and guns and knives, and all this crap. And yet I am looking at all of them and I am saying to myself that if I actually had to go into combat these would be the last bastards on earth I would ever want to take with me! They were ALL scared little boys.
Now I submit to you that all this tactical streetfighting stuff these guys do does nothing but serve as a crutch, which stands in the way of further personal development and evolution. They stay scared little kids inside because they cling to this.
However, take one of these guys and put him in my Gym, or any Gym within the SBG tribe, and he will be forced to change. He is going to get tapped out, knocked out, slammed down, tapped out again, and then tapped out once more. He will be beaten by people much smaller then him, and he will be forced into a position where he realizes that there is absolutely no way he can prevent it, and it will all be done by "nice" people. Guys who don't walk around pretending like they are SF commandos, or 'billy bad asses'. He's going to get his *** kicked by family men and mature males! (laughs). His ego will have no place to hide. It won't be able to hide in the camouflage fatigues and nonsense of "streetfighting" anymore. He will either quit, or his ego will be pounded down, and then built back up through hard effort, and ACTUAL skill. Slowly he will reach a point where he is the one doing the tapping and striking. He will be more comfortable with himself, less afraid, more confident, happier, gentler, and just evolve in general as a human being. That is the SBG way.

Now, I could make allot of money off these guys because for better or worse the Gym has a reputation for being 'real' because people know that everyone listed on that family tree can to a certain degree make it all work. They can all fight. There is not one person on that list that would be an easy day for anyone. And that's what most of these 'streetfighting' guys want. They want people to 'fear' them. Because if people fear them, they hope people will then leave them alone, and they wont be forced into confrontation. So knowing that as I do, I could pander to that instinct in them and make allot of money in the process. The problem is that I know in my heart if I did that you would be able to come back in a year and see that same person. The same scared little kid. So I cannot do that. I have to stay true to myself and I won't pander to that weakness in them.
My instinct as a coach and teacher, when I see someone like that, is to steer that type of person towards athleticism, and self education. . . .because I know that will help them evolve as people as well as fighters. And then, when I see them a Year later they will be completely different people. And that will make us both happy.
hedgehogey said:
MichTKD: Look, can you provide one scrap of evidence that this tiger aura exists.

You're taking his meaning far too literally. Are you seriously trying to claim that someone like a boxer doesn't have an air of self-confidence about him? (Doesn't even have to be a pro, just someone who trains regularly and takes their training seriously.)

I don't beleive that it's something that's only instilled by TMA's, and it's absurd to make such a claim (or to call it ki), but if someone's not as easily intimitated and if they remain calmer than others expect them to be under a stressful situation etc, it does tend to earn that person a bit of unconscious respect among others in most cases.
Just because I don't believe in mystical chi auras does not mean i'm not crazy. Now quit stealing my thoughts.

Hedgey - not sure where you're going with this one. Just trying to be nice:) and keep things copacetic here. I've kept my claws in, haven't I??
hedgehogey said:
Wow, what a hypocrite. Macyoung offers the exact same "fantasy defense" that he's critisizing!
Amen but he wil find 1000 of people to buy his books and go to his seminars that's what makes p the world.. Thank GOD not mine... GOD BLESS AMERICA