Is it OK for my child to be humiliated?

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I actually know a four year old who smacked around a couple twelve year olds. His birthday was February 29th.

That's reasonable, a four year who has only been around fours years is not lol.
I am glad that my childhood traumas, have provided so much ammusment.

That's alright then. I'd always been led to believe that children in the US started school at 6, they were in kindergarten and prekindergarten until then, and that 12 year olds wouldn't be in the same school as 4 years olds, obviously not if 4 and 12 year olds go to the same school.
That's alright then. I'd always been led to believe that children in the US started school at 6, they were in kindergarten and prekindergarten until then, and that 12 year olds wouldn't be in the same school as 4 years olds, obviously not if 4 and 12 year olds go to the same school.

He is legit. I have seen the vids.
My parents were, kinda, neglectful. As a result I never had someone to tell me what I could or could not do. With the help of PBS, I taught myself to read, and by the time I hit kindegarten, I could do algebra and was reading, well, everything I could get my hands on. I went to K, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 9th, and then college. Thats 15 years. In between I studied what I wanted.
My parents were, kinda, neglectful. As a result I never had someone to tell me what I could or could not do. With the help of PBS, I taught myself to read, and by the time I hit kindegarten, I could do algebra and was reading, well, everything I could get my hands on. I went to K, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 9th, and then college. Thats 15 years. In between I studied what I wanted.

Of course you did.
My parents were, kinda, neglectful. As a result I never had someone to tell me what I could or could not do. With the help of PBS, I taught myself to read, and by the time I hit kindegarten, I could do algebra and was reading, well, everything I could get my hands on. I went to K, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 9th, and then college. Thats 15 years. In between I studied what I wanted.
You were doing algebra before you entered kindergarten? Self taught?

There was a adult learning program on PBS. It was my introduction to math. So, no, not self taught.

So if you went to school at 4, you must have been in kindergarten from 2/3 and taught yourself to read and do algebra before that, impressive.
I could have seen the 4 year old going crazy and attacking unwitting 12 year olds, so wasn't going to comment on that. Understanding PBS and learning algebra before kindergarten (when most people just finished learning to count)...:rolleyes:
I could have seen the 4 year old going crazy and attacking unwitting 12 year olds, so wasn't going to comment on thatdeliberatelyanding PBS and learning algebra before kindergarten (when most people just finished learning to count)...:rolleyes:

Four year olds are prone to tantrums, they are still toddlers so yeah they can 'attack' but they won't train themselves in martial arts, use trees as punching bags then deliberately provoke a fight with two 12 year olds, beating them, one so badly he's disabled.
Four year olds are prone to tantrums, they are still toddlers so yeah they can 'attack' but they won't train themselves in martial arts, use trees as punching bags then deliberately provoke a fight with two 12 year olds, beating them, one so badly he's disabled.
I don't remember him saying anything about training or provoking the fight. In my mind, it was a 4 year old who was being teased, then flipped out and stabbed one of the 12 year olds with a knife. I haven't seen anything like that happen, either, but a friend of mine who works at a child psych private practice has told me similar stories so its not unbelievable to me.
I don't remember him saying anything about training or provoking the fight. In my mind, it was a 4 year old who was being teased, then flipped out and stabbed one of the 12 year olds with a knife. I haven't seen anything like that happen, either, but a friend of mine who works at a child psych private practice has told me similar stories so its not unbelievable to me.
I agree. I don't think he provoked the fight with the two older kids. But it wasn't a knife, it was a gasoline powered chain saw.
You aren't half wrong. It wasn't a knife, it was a wall, and a seesaw. And they cornered me and threw the 1st punch. And you keep saying disabled. No, not disabled, disfigured. When he went face first into the wall, he tore his face up. And I did hit a tree in the proccess of learning. But hitting the tree didn't make me strong or tough, and taught it me to fight smart. Not try to contest strength with a stronger opponant. but to flow with my opponant and use their energy against them. In the end it was probably more luck then anything.
You aren't half wrong. It wasn't a knife, it was a wall, and a seesaw. And they cornered me and threw the 1st punch. And you keep saying disabled. No, not disabled, disfigured. When he went face first into the wall, he tore his face up. And I did hit a tree in the proccess of learning. But hitting the tree didn't make me strong or tough, and taught it me to fight smart. Not try to contest strength with a stronger opponant. but to flow with my opponant and use their energy against them. In the end it was probably more luck then anything.
So... where did the chain saw come into play?
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